“Rust” Prosecutors Charge Armorer With Evidence Tampering – IOTW Report

“Rust” Prosecutors Charge Armorer With Evidence Tampering

Prosecutors have charged the Rust film armourer with evidence tampering in connection to the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. more

33 Comments on “Rust” Prosecutors Charge Armorer With Evidence Tampering

  1. Um, this cunt had ONE JOB!
    I hate Baldwin with the fire of a thousand suns but damn, it was the ARMOROR’S FUCKING JOB!
    Her fucking job is to secure, control and present firearms in the safest manner possible.
    How the fuck did live rounds end up in that gun?

    Sure, Baldwin pulled the trigger on a gun just like he had done in movies dozens of times over the years.
    They obviously had competed people in charge of firearms then.
    Sorry guys, you are reaching because you hate the bastard.
    This bitch needs to go down.

  2. @ Loco….I’ve got a friend that has been a stuntman for 35 years. He says that the armorer was comeatose in her responsibility but it was ultimately ALL Alec Balwin’s crime….He got away with manslaughter…

  3. “Um, this cunt had ONE JOB!”

    Baldwin hired her. It was his production. The buck stopped with him. Alec the primadonna has been onset with enough guns where he should understand gun safety. The two people that were shot were suppose to be behind a very large PLEXIGASS, bulletproof shield. They weren’t. I’m thinking that’s not gun girls faut.

  4. OK guys, what was her job?
    Seriously, what was her goddamn job?
    If ignorant actors have to double check her shit then she cannot be trusted and should have been fired.

    Baldwin has shot tons of guns on set, I bet he never had to check and verify if THEY HAD REAL FUCKING BULLETS IN THEM.

  5. Willys, ask your friend if it is common for actors to have to verify they don’t have real bullets in the firearms they use?
    How about the Star Wars blasters?
    Do they check every single time?
    Do they also make sure the bombs that go off don’t contain too much TNT, Semtex or whatever they use?
    I’ll save you some trouble, of course they don’t.

  6. “I’ll save you some trouble, of course they don’t.”

    Wow, if some one hands me a weapon I check it. Even if I watched them check it. Loco has no clue about guns and safe handling responsibility. Never go to the range with this guy.You may not be coming back

  7. I love this!
    You guys think idiot actors check their firearms.
    They don’t due to safety reasons themselves.
    They aren’t allowed to open a gun to tamper with the blanks.
    Not their responsibility.
    Remember, these are Union Rules.
    Sorry to burst your bubble but Trump will do more jail time than Baldwin…

  8. @ Loco….Star Wars blasters????….What kind of fantasy world do you live in?…..Yes they do know how the bombs go off. Which direction and what direction. I worked for a basting company a lifetime ago and Fred could blast 3 feet away from an existing structure….

  9. When they play the credits for these movies I see a shit-ton of names.
    Who knew that the actors on set had a hand in every single thing that goes on?
    I now have more respect for actors.
    They must not sleep considering they have to double-check everything that goes on for a movie set.
    Damn, Marlon Brando earned the shit out of that fucking Oscar for The Godfather!

    Good to know…

  10. “AUTOCAD”? Etcha Sketch? Fuck you. That shits not allowed in my shop. Now that you’ve displayed even more ignorance, whats next?
    I’m out.This is pointless. Again.

  11. You stupid fuck, Auto Cad is now called Fusion 360. So I guess I am familiar with it right. You ignorant egotistical moron. It’s a very poor 3d modeler. Just like he original DXF product. You do understand DXF right? No? Shut your fucking mouth.

  12. “I love how I insulted the hell out of Brad and he went after my AutoCad reference…”

    So your proud of being a moron. Why in the fuck an I arguing with this moron? Good night.

  13. When all is said and done, the hand holding the weapon is responsible.
    If I hand a pistol to someone and say “It’s unloaded” it is incumbent upon to whomever I handed it to check it – not to simply point, cock, and pull the trigger.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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