Rutgers Declares Grammar Racist – IOTW Report

Rutgers Declares Grammar Racist

WFB: The English department at a public university declared that proper English grammar is racist.

Rutgers University’s English department will change its standards of English instruction in an effort to “stand with and respond” to the Black Lives Matter movement. In an email written by department chairwoman Rebecca Walkowitz, the Graduate Writing Program will emphasize “social justice” and “critical grammar.”

Walkowitz said the department would respond to recent events with “workshops on social justice and writing,” “increasing focus on graduate student life,” and “incorporating ‘critical grammar’ into our pedagogy.” The “critical grammar” approach challenges the standard academic form of the English language in favor of a more inclusive writing experience. The curriculum puts an emphasis on the variability of the English language instead of accuracy. read more

41 Comments on Rutgers Declares Grammar Racist

  1. Acme Plumbing Co.
    Ring: Hey, w’s up?
    Caller: My sink is leaking.
    Acme: We feel ya.
    Caller: Will you send a plumber to my house?
    Acme: Dunno.
    Caller: Dunno? Is that the plumber’s name?
    Acme: Racist!!!

  2. Proper grammar is a tool. To be effective it has to be used correctly.

    The problem with many leftist causes is that they assume things will run just as efficiently after they remove all the things that make them run smoothly. When those things then break down, they then complain that those things have broken down.

    What Rutgers is really saying is that they do not think that blacks have the mental capacity to speak intelligently and intelligibly.

  3. If this takes hold, pretty soon no one in the US will be able to understand anyone else. Destroy comprehensibility/understandability of language, and you drive people even farther apart.

    A diabolically clever part of the game plan…

  4. Ann Nonymous Prime
    JULY 25, 2020 AT 3:37 PM
    “If this takes hold, pretty soon no one in the US will be able to understand anyone else. Destroy comprehensibility/understandability of language, and you drive people even farther apart.

    A diabolically clever part of the game plan…”

    …how’d that work out for the Tower of Babel builders…

  5. Pelopidas: Contract law is kaput anyway, at least in states that prohibited evictions for non-payment of rent. Governor’s “emergency” edicts supersede all state laws, at least that’s what the courts have been saying. Constitution gone too.

  6. @SNS–

    Yes, I had the consequences of Babel in mind. But that was not diabolically engineered. What we are seeing now is the shadow side of Babel, used for nefarious purposes.

  7. Ann Nonymous Prime
    JULY 25, 2020 AT 4:16 PM

    “…But that was not diabolically engineered. What we are seeing now is the shadow side of Babel, used for nefarious purposes.”

    …which was my point. The devil can’t make, so he mocks. The Koran is a mockery of the Bible. The Antichrist is a mockery of Jesus. The politicians promoting magical thinking for COVID and Global Warming are mockeries of priests. And dividing us with our own language is the devil’s mockery of God putting Man’s hubris in it’s place.

    God is NOT splitting us from our countrymen.

    We have Democrats for that, they thrive on divide and conquer.

    This is just one more tool, to them, to serve their TRUE master’s purpose…

  8. Extirpates
    JULY 25, 2020 AT 4:19 PM
    “Rutger’s degrees are available at the market in pre wrapped rolls.”

    …so is an Associate’s degree single ply, a Bachelor’s double ply, a Master’s super absorbent, and a PhD a double roll? It WOULD be a neat marketing strategy if they weren’t committing SO much violence on the English language that we probably can’t trust ANYTHING they say, which was probably the point all along…

  9. I remember many years ago before Whoopie Golberg became an unhinged liberal America hating cow, back when she was actually funny, did a thing on Ebonics in a stand up routine. As follows:
    To conjugate the verb TO BE…
    I AM
    HE IS
    SHE IS

    Will become:

    I BE
    YOU BE
    HE BE
    SHE BE

  10. When one lets a token black inside one’s group, one must be prepared to lower standards so that he or she feels they are part of the group. It can be a daunting task, but one we must make in the effort to make those who are simply not capable of engaging in a coherent manner feel as though they are an equal.

    One of our greatest presidents, Abe Lincoln, said that blacks could never fit in with whites. But I feel it is our duty to pretend they can fit in with us. Even Michelle Obama, as difficult as that is to fathom.

  11. I think it’s racist to believe minorities are too stupid to learn proper English. Therefore, the bar needs to be lowered to allow them to graduate. It’s sort of like there is only pass or fail in Elementary school because it hurts the children’s feelings. Also, every child gets a ribbon instead of blue, red, white and participated. All ribbons are the same. They never learn how good it feels to work toward achievement and conquer.

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