RVs Become Only Housing Option for Many in Unaffordable San Francisco – IOTW Report

RVs Become Only Housing Option for Many in Unaffordable San Francisco

Breitbart CA: Housing prices and the homeless epidemic in Northern California are two factors that have contributed to what is being described as a “crisis” in which trailers and recreational vehicles (RVs) have become the only viable option for residents of the Bay Area.

“We’ve never seen it like this,” Tom Myers, executive director of Community Services Agency of Mountain View, told the San Jose Mercury News. “We have to be prepared that this will be the new normal for us. It’s a crisis.” According to the publication, San Francisco averages more than three complaints a day about RV communities.

“I have to do whatever I have to do,” Robert Ramirez, 54, who lives on lives on government assistance and collecting recyclable items, told the Mercury News. He has been living in his RV for six months. He is currently in San Jose but will likely be asked to move in a short amount of time.

The median cost of a two-bedroom apartment is approximately $2,500 in San Jose and $2,200 in Oakland.  read more

23 Comments on RVs Become Only Housing Option for Many in Unaffordable San Francisco

  1. So you have to become a gypsy
    to live near SF; that privileged
    few, rich bastion of “feel good” caring about the “underprivileged”.
    Why would anyone want to live in
    that sink of depravity is beyond me.

  2. Last I looked there are 49 other states. With the exception of Connecticut, where the cost of living is higher than California, 48 other states offer a more affordable cost of living.

    It’s only $875/mo median to snag a place in Mississippi, with ultra low property tax and utilities.

    It’s not like these homeless have anything to pack – point the RV east and get it done. Actually do something to improve yourself.

    Suppose though the rest of the country is better off with them in California.

  3. I read an article a while back where the homeless living in RV’s (they are NOT homeless, they have everything they need in that RV to survive), did not take care of them and abandoned them. The city had contracts with tow companies to tow them off the street. The tow truck companies weren’t making any money in hauling them off so they refused to tow them. It was costing too much money for the city and not enough for tow companies. Well someone has to make a buck right? San Francisco will have the same problem. Good!

  4. It looks like the government of San FranFreakshow has decided to turn their city into a real life “Soylent Green”. How much longer before they start processing and eating each other?

  5. It occurs to me that RV’s or Trailers offer shelter, a modicum of comfort and an address at a fairly cheap rate. Cities like San Francisco where the rich people from Silicon Valley congregated and put rentals or any property values into the stratosphere could create mobile home or trailer parks for a minimum of cash and use these to supply the homeless a place to recover and maybe get back on their feet.


    He worked at the headquarters so much, he only went home to sleep.

    He rented a U-Haul van, put a bed and coat rack in there, and used the corporate gym and showers to clean himself. He said it was cheaper than renting, which he wasn’t even there to enjoy it.

    A college kid lived in his ’70s custom van until he could pay off college. He had a YMCA membership to get clean. Used the laundromat.

    💢 Another guy lived in a STORAGE LOCKER!💢

    If I could buy a custom van with solar panels for electricity, I’d blow $10,000 and just park near a wifi spot. Housing is RIDICULOUS, and even if you can afford a house, you have to bank on paying utilities, taxes, repairs, insurance for 20-30 years after you stop earning money, until you finally die.


  7. San Fransisco is not really the epicenter of run away housing, it’s down the peninsula in Santa Clara and San Jose. Silicon Valley. San Fransisco (AKA Shit Hole) has other contributing factors that make housing tough. Like not a lot of flat surfaces.
    When the wife and I were first married we purchase a 900 sqft house in Sunnyvale. (Santa Clara County) We paid 112 K. Currently that house is selling for about a million two. I kick my self every day for selling that shack.

  8. @Kermit: 190 miles. Camp Roberts. I proposed this over a decade ago; send all the homeless there, have them earn their keep doing home maintenance. Only problem is, you would have to send them there by force, since most like their “lifestyle” and do not want to do any kind of work.

  9. Eugene, OR has the same problem only to a greater extent. Most are derelict vehicles and can’t move on their own power so you have squatters in and around city park areas. Towing companies have refused to impound anymore because the vermin associated with them is causing a health hazard in and around their storage facilities.

    And it always brings this scene to mind.


  10. Cousin Eddie, complete with his can of Meister Brau beer! So their example, this Ramirez guy, is on “govt assistance”; so no Job is keeping him in San Jose, why doesn’t he take his “gov’t assistance check” and move inland where the rent is possibly affordable?

  11. I started to see RVs in my neighborhood about 3 years ago. It started with only one, but they are now much more prevalent. The city is inconsistent with enforcement (curbside storage is very popular here, so its easy to overlook the odd camper or trailer), but at least they do get around to it — eventually.

    It doesn’t help that Salt Lake City, just to the north, is pretty much inviting every bum, vagrant, junky, wino and petty but violent criminal within a three day bus ride to take up residence there.

    Obamaphones are the core of the network these bums use to know where the best “deals” are.

  12. Florida Keys aren’t any cheaper…people are paying $1600 a month

    to live in a Pool House with no facilities…

    Although Key West really cracks down on the RVs.

    Rumor has it that the reason Wal-mart isn’t coming to Town

    is because they allow overnight camping in their lots…and

    KW is fighting that.

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