S. Korean court orders Japan to compensate World War II sex slaves – IOTW Report

S. Korean court orders Japan to compensate World War II sex slaves


A South Korean court on Friday ordered the Japanese government to pay compensation to 12 World War II sex slaves or their families, in an unprecedented ruling that prompted an immediate denunciation by Tokyo.

The Seoul Central District Court ruled that Japan should pay the victims 100 million won ($91,000) each.

It is the first civilian legal case in South Korea against Tokyo by wartime sex slaves for Japanese troops, who were euphemistically labelled “comfort women”.

The ruling comes despite a 1965 treaty between Seoul and Tokyo which declared claims between them and their nationals had been settled. more

13 Comments on S. Korean court orders Japan to compensate World War II sex slaves

  1. The ruling comes despite a 1965 treaty between Seoul and Tokyo which declared claims between them and their nationals had been settled.

    That’s the equivalent of an ex parte hearing in court, where some third party makes a consequential decision without the participation much less agreement of one or more principle parties involved.

  2. It seems like this was a thing back in the 80s. I thought that particular injustice had been redressed already. Maybe the can was kicked down the road back then. But I do know that my wife came over here from commie China in 1990 with a burning hatred of Japan which had been instilled and nurtured by the Chicoms. It took a lot of patience and respect for the Chinese experience with Imperial Japan to get her past all of that.

    I have no doubt there is a Chicom hand in keeping the grudge against Japan alive in South Korea 75 years later, just as the Chicoms were fomenting racial strife and backing BLM last Summer. It’s all part of their warfare philosophy. Trump should have closed down all of their goddam consulates last year, not just the one in Texas.

  3. This sex slave thing….how does one break into the business? I was looking for a career change. I am available to be tied up at a college sorority and abused over and over again by sex starved college girls. It is apparent that there are no men on campus.

    Call me Thor and make sure I am tho Thor I can hardly pith.

    /couldn’t resist recycling that old joke. Sick to death of politics. Drive by humor is all I have left.

  4. @an ol exJarhead:

    In plain angloSaxon pleas explain.
    Former Grunt bean counter

    An ex parte judicial hearing happens when one of the parties isn’t even informed that there’s a hearing going on. A good current example is with the so-called “red flag” laws where your guns are confiscated if somebody says you are a danger to yourself or others. Cops take the complaint, go to a judge, the judge orders the cops to take your guns, and the first thing you know about it is when the cops bang on your door (that’s if you’re lucky and a SWAT team doesn’t toss in flash-bangs as the break down your door and storm in with their own guns drawn). You never are allowed to have your side of the argument heard; you never “get your day in court”.

    With this business of the Korean sex slaves, the Korean and Japanese govts decided for those poor women and their families that they would never get their day in court and never would be compensated for the hell they were put through, not that anything like full compensation is even possible.

  5. The old insult in South Korea was “Your Mom doesn’t have any hair on Her P*ssy”

    Which meant that Your Mom was Raped, had Her Pubes shaved with a Bayonet, and

    that You were a Japanese Bastard…I used to be able to rattle it off ..

    Something like “Eemy Sheemy Pet Pogida”


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