Sabotage? ‘Catastrophic’ Transformer Fire Closes Heathrow Airport, Global Travel Disrupted – IOTW Report

Sabotage? ‘Catastrophic’ Transformer Fire Closes Heathrow Airport, Global Travel Disrupted

Breitbart– One of the world’s busiest airports is shut for an unprecedented full working day, disrupting air travel worldwide, after a major fire took out not only its power supply but backup systems as well.

Serious questions were immediately raised about the resilience of critical national infrastructure and the possibility of sabotage after London Heathrow was force to close by a major power cut. Airport management say it will remain closed until 2359 GMT (1959 Eastern) tonight.

One of the world’s busiest airports, Heathrow will typically handle over 1,300 flights in a day and analysis by Flightradar24 states “at least 1,351” flights to and from the airport will be impacted today. Yet the disruption will inevitably go far further and impact thousands more flights, as Heathrow is a major hub for refuelling flights and crew changeovers.

Those aircraft that were to be on cancelled flights will not now be positioned correctly for their subsequent planned journeys, meaning disruption could last for hours or days more. more

11 Comments on Sabotage? ‘Catastrophic’ Transformer Fire Closes Heathrow Airport, Global Travel Disrupted

  1. Most likely just plain old incompetence, cronyism and/or DEI. Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta got shut down by a huge electrical fire in 2017, nothing to do with terrorism.

    Most major airports are catch-alls for the elsewhere unemployable. I imagine Heathrow is no exception.

  2. …Buddy of mine has a sales job where he goes all over everywhere in airplanes to all the major airports. He says two things are surprisingly common in them;

    1) The fire alarms going off in the terminals,

    2) No one reacting to the fire alarms going off in the terminals.

    After watching that one with people filming the flaming jet that was only yards away from inside the terminal with nothing but a large sheet of glass between them like it was a football game or something, I’d have to say its only the grace of God that we dont have mass deaths at airports everywhere, no terrorism required…

  3. “AOC
    Sunday, 23 March 2025, 14:05 at 2:05 pm
    I don’t understand how a power loss on the ground could affect airplanes in the air. I mean they are not connected right?

    Not That Anonymous
    Sunday, 23 March 2025, 14:07 at 2:07 pm
    Electric airplanes, Sandy …”

    …I want in on THAT extension cord franchise…

  4. PPPPPP — Proper Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance

    — Damaged primary transformers were at a national grid substation, not at the airport.

    — Backup transformers were put out of action because some moron sited them too close to the primaries.

    — Heathrow emergency power is deliberately only wide and deep enough to land planes already in the pattern.

    This screwed-up FUBAR was inevitable and was the result of stupidity and incompetence. Whatever set off the fire only contributed.


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