Sacramento City Unified Schools Reimpose Mask Mandate Indefinitely – IOTW Report

Sacramento City Unified Schools Reimpose Mask Mandate Indefinitely


The Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) reimposed its mask mandate on Monday after moving masking to optional just two months ago.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last week moved California’s Sacramento County into a “high” risk level, recommending individuals to wear a mask indoors. As a result, the school district brought the mask mandate back, with officials asserting that they are simply following the science. Notably, the district lifted the mandate in April but informed parents of the decision to bring back forced masking last week. 

“The case rate is now about 8 times higher than it was when the District lifted the masking mandate in mid-April and hospitalizations have increased to 12.1 per 100,000 people,” the district argued, asking students to begin wearing masks voluntarily last week.

“This decision was made with careful consideration of the current data trends and is intended to limit the spread of Covid-19 in schools and the community,” the district said, adding that the mandate is in place indefinitely. more

22 Comments on Sacramento City Unified Schools Reimpose Mask Mandate Indefinitely

  1. The current covid virus has gotten so weak that it’s no worse than the common cold. I can’t help but think that the school boards are milking the issue for some type of power grab.

  2. Sacramento City Unified School District is the worst run school district in the state. The state has threatened to come in and take over many times. The state has with held funding on several occasions. A very “Diverse” bunch of morons. I guess what I’m trying to say is if shit were brains these people couldn’t muster up a fart.

  3. The only statistical evidence of mask efficacy is that infection rates are higher in areas AFTER strict mask mandates are imposed. What they’re really doing here is training children to be sheep. Clearly their parents already are.

  4. Good to know there are viral medical experts here. No worst than the com on cold, masks do nothing (but why are they worn during surgery, don’t answer, lame-o), you get blood clots(covid-19 causes blood clots, vaccines do not), vaccines cause millions no billions of health issues, no proof out yet! Dirtbags have been spewing these lies even before the vaccines were released! Vaccines kill you, (if only they would help KILL Trump, but alas no such luck, darn, darn ,darn). Eat shit commie pinkos
    Ivermectin, ZERO effective against covid-19, dumb-asses.

  5. Masks are worn in surgery because it ‘helps’ stop bacteria not viruses which are incredibly smaller.
    A virus is 50 times smaller than a cross-section of the human hair. Question, can you get a human hair between your face and your mask?

  6. People wear masks during surgery as splash guards in case blood spurts up into their face/mouth. Same for eye protectors.

    In other words, to protect the people operating, not to protect the patient.

  7. Someone has drunk deeply of the Kool Aid! Someone is angry and vindictive! Someone’s self righteous virtue signaling has turned out to be mere impotent mental masturbation… again … !?

  8. I googled the population of Sac. Roughly 500K. Statistically that means there are 60 people in the hospital because of the Wuflu. And that’s no reason to mask up. Tyranny.

  9. Masks make it Legally(TM) impossible, for Any Reasonable Prosecutor(TM) to accuse that, specific, Prideful Person(TM), of diddling some, random, child.

    And, that, is reason enough.

  10. Parents should pull their children out of public schools NOW. There is no good reason to keep them there.

    They are toxic institutions, which work overtime to keep parents uninformed and disconnected, while inflicting the maximum amount of government-sanctioned damage on children.


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