Sad Clown: Desperate Jeb! Demands One-on-One Throwdown with The Donald – IOTW Report

Sad Clown: Desperate Jeb! Demands One-on-One Throwdown with The Donald

jeb! minion


Poor former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

The poorly performing former GOP frontrunner is now so desperate he’s asking for a one-on-one debate with actual Republican frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump.

“Donald, I’ll take you on one-on-one in a debate, any time, any place,” Bush said of Trump at the Forum Club in Palm Beach, Florida. “You name it and I’ll do it.”



21 Comments on Sad Clown: Desperate Jeb! Demands One-on-One Throwdown with The Donald

  1. I seen so many things I ain’t never seen before
    Don’t know what it is – I don’t wanna see no more

    Mama told me not to come
    Mama told me not to come
    She said, “That ain’t the way to have fun, son”
    “That ain’t the way to have fun, no”

  2. If Jeb’s goal was to display his sense of personal entitlement, he couldn’t have found a better way than this. Why should he, at 3% polling, get this special privilege and not Cruz nor Rubio? Because his name is Bush?

  3. This is what happens when sons don’t listen to their mother. She told him straight up not to run for the Presidency, and this is what happens when he didn’t listen ti frank advice.

    It’s probably more painful for Barbara to watch her son be made a fool of, throwing money down the toilet, and watching her son struggle and being rejected. As a mother, I can feel her pain. As a voter, I’m enjoying watching him go down the sewer.

  4. I’m a contender!

    Really! I am! I am … I amm … I shud be …

    Karl said this is MY turn!
    Not that mean ole Donald Trump’s!

    It ain’t fair! Jus not fairrrrrr …*sob* *sniffle*
    *wipes snot off mouth and chin*

  5. The story writes itself. A fake poll to ensure Yeb! is on the stage for the next debate. He challenges The Donald. The Donald looks and sneers” What is this loser with 3% in the polls doing on this stage?”

    End of Jeb!

    It is a sad day when even I start feeling embarrassed for this clown. Well, maybe schadenfreudegasm.

    Now THERE’S a “debate” I’d even pay good money to see. Entertainment of the highest order. It would be like throwing a trout into a shark tank. CHOMP!
    I’m still chuckling. And probably will be all day over this.
    The Donald vs “Yeb!”. T-shirts sold here to commemorate the event!
    Throwdown? I think Teh Yeb would throw up within the first minute.

  7. No thanks, I have no desire to meet this clown.

    My dream debate: Trump (blindfolded and with both hands tied behind his back), takes on Yeb! and Hitlery simultaneously.


  8. More likelyk the Karl Rove GOPer Establishment Jeb was mentioning…oops…bet he was not supposed to even acknowledge this felonious group. *smiling*… Babs wants to slap the shit out of him, and then slap him again for shitting.

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