Sad Obama Rewind: Happy inDependence Day! – IOTW Report

Sad Obama Rewind: Happy inDependence Day!

21 Comments on Sad Obama Rewind: Happy inDependence Day!

  1. He had to be elected so we could know what he is all about. Commie F#cking Rat Bastard.

    Really though, he succeeded where the Clinton’s failed, but At least Slick Willy got himself impeached.

    The f#ck if I know why it is taking so long for the Jug Eared F#ck.

  2. I don’t picture him as Sad O right now. More like Thug O now that Roberts gave him and his the power to bully us into doing and buying what they want and we don’t.
    Hopefully, in Nov. he will once again be Sad O.

  3. I was hoping that sad O would return, but not under these conditions.

    The only thing that makes him sad in this picture is that the flags around him aren’t hammer and sickles.

    I’m sad SBS.

  4. If Congress holds the pursestrings, why can’t they fire all his many security guards and just leave three? Why can’t they fire all Michelle’s helpers and leave just two? With all the death threats I’ve heard made on these people, there could be fireworks before November. Forgive me, Fur.

  5. Just wanted to take the opportunity to wish y’all a happy Independence Day, and remind you that HOT DOGS TASTE BETTER WHEN THEY’RE SOAKED IN BEER.

    Yup, before you grill ’em soak them in beer, the longer the better. I do mine overnight in the fridge, bur there’s still time left for a soak of at least an hour or two.


  6. Sad-O will come when he’s out of office, the true depths of his perfidy are known to all, and the ill effects of his ruinous term(s) apparent, and he will have earned his deserved pariah status. Then, abandoned by all the glitterati and alone (Like Mooch would stay with his politically toxic ass): He will go mad.
    He deserves it.

  7. Progtards and liberals hate the 4th of July since they hate America! If they were in power during our nation’s founding we’d still be part of the British empire.

  8. The most revealing and profound words to come from Obama were spoken this week:

    “So sue me.”

    Translation: I am here to push MY agenda. I rule and you suck. I don’t need a three-branch government to do what I want. Those who disagree with me don’t count. Period.

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