Sad Trombone: State Dept. IG Meeting Crushes Media’s Dreams – IOTW Report

Sad Trombone: State Dept. IG Meeting Crushes Media’s Dreams

I posted an article about this last night, but I enjoyed the story so much, I thought I’d bring up another article about it for this morning.


CTH: For two days the mainstream media were breathlessly reporting on an “urgent request” from the State Department Inspector General for a closed-door meeting.

Media sources whipped their left-wing audiences into an anticipatory frenzy with predictions of devastating information soon to come from an “explosive” and “highly unusual” request.  It must must be connected to President Trump and Secretary Mike Pompeo hiding devastating information, they said

Well, the super-anticipated ‘closed door’ briefing was held today, and the IG handed out packets of information related to revelations of Democrats colluding with the Ukraine government.  The exact opposite of what the media and the professional left anticipated. Go see

11 Comments on Sad Trombone: State Dept. IG Meeting Crushes Media’s Dreams

  1. Beware the boomerang. “Judge not yet ye be judged.” This famous warning from the Bible is directed toward hypocrites who are guilty of which they accuse others. Yet, “A spiritual man judgeth everything”. This is not a contradiction because if you are NOT guilty of an accusation that you make of another you are free to – – and SHOULD – – render judgement.

  2. Whenever President does this to the media, I think his secondary purpose is to flush out the leakers (traitors) in his administration. Leading up to this “urgent” press conference, the MSM was reporting false reports from “anonymous sources” within the State Dept.
    So much fun seeing the media with egg on their faces. Again.

  3. Tony R,
    “So much fun seeing the media with egg on their faces. Again.”
    “Again” implies that at one time they stopped their abhorrent behavior, and then re-started.
    A better wording would be “still”, implying that they never stopped.
    Just my 2 cents.

  4. The cia guy took the info to schiff’s staff before he took it to the proper channels.

    This is not a whistleblower. It is a leaker. And it is a criminal leak since it contained classified info.

    And to top it off, Adam schiff knew about this crime and said nothing about it.

    Look up the definition of “misprision of felony”


  5. 18 U.S. Code § 4 – Misprision of felony. Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.


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