Saddam Hussein Had ‘Real Love’ For Mary J. Blige – IOTW Report

Saddam Hussein Had ‘Real Love’ For Mary J. Blige


You remember Mary J. Blige. She’s the broad who singterviewed Hillary.


In his brand new book, The Prisoner in His Palace: Saddam Hussein, His American Guards, and What History Leaves Unsaid, author Will Bardenwerper shared some very surprising details about dictator Saddam Hussein‘s final days.

The book is based on the accounts of 12 American troops who guarded Hussein, in his last days, in what was once an Iraqi palace named “The Rock.” The guards even described the former dictator has a “grandfather-like figure.” They grew close to him, as he awaited his death and even mourned his execution when it took place.

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2 Comments on Saddam Hussein Had ‘Real Love’ For Mary J. Blige

  1. As to the guards becoming close to the man, I’ve heard many times that Hermann Goering was given the cyanide by one of his guards, after developing a friendship with him. I can see how those things happen, like a reverse Stockholm Syndrome.

  2. Anon – it wouldnt surprise me one bit if Goering gave an account number & password to a numbered bank account in Switzerland to the guard that smuggled in his cyanide.

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