Sailor being investigated for possible connection to fire aboard Navy’s USS Bonhomme Richard – IOTW Report

Sailor being investigated for possible connection to fire aboard Navy’s USS Bonhomme Richard

Just The News-

A fire that ravaged the USS Bonhomme Richard last month in San Diego may have been the work of an arsonist, a Navy official told Just the News.

A sailor is under investigation for the fire that broke out July 12 aboard the amphibious assault ship, ABC 10News first reported on Wednesday.

Investigators obtained multiple search warrants for the unidentified sailor’s home and property, the TV news outlet reported. more

17 Comments on Sailor being investigated for possible connection to fire aboard Navy’s USS Bonhomme Richard

  1. 17 years were not enough for the SSN755 arsonist. For causing $400M ~ $700M in damages that ultimately resulted in the submarine being scrapped. New ones are more than $3B. .

    However, I’m sure he will pay the entire $400M fine, over ten lifetimes.

    Hopefully the court doesn’t make that mistake again and this sob gets a very short sentence, the time it takes to fall from the weather deck to the surface of sea, somewhere in blue water.

  2. C’mon, man!
    He’ll end up like Bradley Manning – celebrity and stardom – prancing and mincing his way among Demonrat nomenkatura – getting book deals and TV spots.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Thirdtwin AUGUST 28, 2020 AT 12:48 AM
    “This had better not be some gay lover’s quarrel. Although that might be the least troubling explanation. Seriously, Navy…get your ship together. WTF.”

    …you mean like the one that took out the Iowa, BB-61?

    …I’d like to believe things are better, but Barry had EIGHT YEARS to corrupt EVERYTHING in the Federal Government, which he DID, so it would be tough to think he left recuriting alone, and given how homosexuals DELIBERATELY infiltrated the Catholic priesthood YEARS before they started molesting children just so they could take a strong voice against them down, we KNOW they are capable of the long game and the sleeper cell…

  4. A retired ships anchor is a lot heavier and would get him to the bottom of the Marianna’s Trench faster. Tie down chains maybe weigh 100 pounds or so, I know from carrying them around to secure my plane after it had landed on board the carrier. There’s is the scene in Midway where the Japs tied an anchor to one of the captured US pilots after he told the Jap commander to fuck off and they threw him overboard to Davey Jones locker.

  5. I remember the USS Iowa gun turret fire incident and how the Navy command tried to scapegoat Gunners Mate Clayton Hartwig. (just as they did the CO of the USS Indianapolis 45 years earlier). And tried to frame him as an upset gay lover of another sailor.

    How the MSM and Navy command promoted as evidence condemning Hartwig that he owned copies of books & magazines about explosives. Well, geez, if a guy is part of gun turret crew firing 16 inch guns, on a ship with the history of the USS Iowa. I would certainly hope and expect him to have an interest in all kinds of explosives.

    Could you imagine a Marine gunnery sgt. without an interest all kinds of small arms. Being condemned for being a subscriber to magazines such as; Gun & Ammo, Tactical Weapons or Shooting Times?

    First fix the problem. Secondly fix the blame, but on the actual responsible person.

    31 years after USS Iowa accident, a survivor weighs in .

  6. The Captain of the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 also took the fall for race riots and aborted mutiny attempt in October of 1972 while I was still in boot camp From what I was told by fellow squadron members of VF-114 who were the year before I was, it was total chaos and a big cluster fuck that got totally of hand in a major clash between black sailors who instigated the fight and white sailors who fought back. Unfortunately at the time because of manpower shortages during the Vietnam war the Navy recruited a lot of ne’er do wells who should’ve never been allowed to enlist in the first place. There was a book written by Gregory A Freeman called Troubled Water.

  7. @GtA – Yep, I was crew in ET Div on a destroyer for six months in mid 1972, and I recall guys in my division cautioning me about interactions with black crew members, which they said had become troublesome on the ship over the past year.

  8. I was a QM2 on an oiler during those years and I remember a few watches were I was issued a sidearm (with full clips BTW – none of that Barney Fife 5 bullet crap) with orders to fire one warning shot if anyone not on watch came to the bridge.

    The mess decks required the buddy system and we slept in the chart room.

  9. @Geoff

    The racial stuff was bad in the Army as well during the Vietnam war. Bad shit all over, and on top of that troops were getting high on whatever drugs they could score. I personally do not trust people who use drugs. Being in a combat zone was almost the least of my worries.


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