Salon: Orcas and Caribou Have ‘Normal’ Abortions Just Like Humans! – IOTW Report

Salon: Orcas and Caribou Have ‘Normal’ Abortions Just Like Humans!

Abortion is just a part of nature, according to one liberal writer.

orca whale

Newsbuster: Earlier this month, Salon published a story with the subhead, “What do whales, caribou and humans have in common? Abortion as a response to ill health and resource scarcity.” For the liberal site, writer Valerie Tarico, who describes herself as “pro-abortion,” insisted that human abortion is an “ordinary but important part of normal reproduction” because orcas and caribou have abortions too.

In other words, women aren’t so different from the animals after all.

In her story, Tarico clarified that she meant “spontaneous abortion, also known as miscarriage.”

Again, in other words, miscarriage is synonymous with abortion. (Way to alienate and demean women who have actually experienced the tragedy of miscarriage, Ms. Tarico.)

Tarico went on to define this type of “abortion” as “one of several ways that nature promotes healthy babies that grow up to have babies of their own.” more

14 Comments on Salon: Orcas and Caribou Have ‘Normal’ Abortions Just Like Humans!

  1. Wait, wait, they have Orca and Caribou abortion clinics? Don’t even tell me that our government funds the Orca/Caribou Planned Parenthood clinics! Damn, what’s next-free condoms for them!

  2. No subject matter in nature, thought or irrational argument is left unturned to make murder of the unborn acceptable.
    Pure Evil !
    Planned Parenthood — purveyors of heinous immoral crimes against humanity.

  3. Hey, wait a minute. Let’s agree on this and define abortions as legal only if they are “natural” and not Anthropogenic.

    Anthropogenic is bad, right Lefties?

  4. It’d have to an awfully big coat hanger. And since when did orcas start wearing coats? I can just see the underwater orca (or porpoises or dolphins who just do it for the halibut) haberdashers with their Orca and son signs out since when Jonah was around advertising sport coats for all the cold fish in the ocean. And we the prolifers are the ones considered to be fools since we don’t believe that abortion should be legal.

  5. I’ve yet to run a cross an abortion clinic for deer, moose, caribou etc. in the woods with all the driving I do in the mountains of Idaho and Montana. There are plenty of locations for Planned Parenthood and their damned signs located alongside roads and highways but never a one for Planned Animalhood. And if there were they’d be run by unicorns who’d just stab them with their one horn thus ending their pregnancy. Hey it’s Friday the 13th I’ve got a right to be sarcastic today.

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