Salon writer’s racist lefist views on illegal immigrants: ‘Who will clean the toilets?’ – IOTW Report

Salon writer’s racist lefist views on illegal immigrants: ‘Who will clean the toilets?’

CFL: On Saturday, Mary Beth Williams, a writer for the rabid left-wing Salon, accidentally revealed the left’s racist views on illegal immigrants with a tweet in which she presupposes that all Republicans have Latino immigrants cleaning their toilets.



“I wonder if the GOP has asked itself who will clean their toilets & nanny their children & drive their limos when we’re all dead & deported,” she said.  more here

20 Comments on Salon writer’s racist lefist views on illegal immigrants: ‘Who will clean the toilets?’

  1. Only a liberal would leave a child with a muslim. Just how effin stupid are they? Allow them to drive your car? Good gawd. You be way effin stupid. Allow one in your house? They shouldn’t even be in our country, let alone your home.

  2. I am white and have raised my own children, cleaned my own toilets, and no one drives my car except me. Who is the racist? You, Mary Beth, for assuming that is all POC do.

  3. What will their argument be when welfare reform passes?

    If you force people off the dole, who is going to break into your house, deep fry your chicken, slam dunk your basketballs, and whistle at your white women.

    I’d mixed it up with the former Managing Director of our local Loews affiliate. He loved his toilet scrubbers, landscapers, and human trafficked slave laborers too. Or as our local liberal rag celebrated him as “an agent of civic change”.

    He was quite high on his proillegals horse until I started asking him about how many they hired in their executive office.

  4. That looks like something Chubbles would tweet. And who is this “we” she speaks of?

    Also, I don’t have time to wait for Obnoxious Grammar Fascist, so I will don the jackboots myself. It should read, “…GOP has asked itself who will clean *its* toilets…” Sorry to nitpick, but Mary Beth claims to be a writer.

  5. Mary Beth is a fooken eegit. Most Americans clean their own toilets, wash their own dishes, cut their own fooken lawns, and put out their own trash. Who the fuck listens to bints like Mary Beth?

  6. Soft racism. In her Lefty world, one hires POC to clean toilets, and nothing else.

    The Left has completely reversed positions on Class Struggle now that they have infiltrated/taken over upper-middle-class jobs in academia and government.
    They’re very hypocritical now in clinging to their “earned and deserved” class status.
    What’s the good of an Ed.D making $140k from the County and demanding servers address you as “Doctor” if you can’t feel infinitely superior to your frikking maid?

  7. The libtards are so used to Obama acting like a King and making up law as he goes along they don’t seem to remember there is a process whereby they can change laws legally and then what they want to happen has to be enforced by um, what’s that word I’m looking for? Oh yeah, LAW!


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