A top Obama- and Biden-era official is under scrutiny for her role overseeing the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Her name is Samantha Power and she served as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations from 2013 to 2017 and as the USAID administrator from 2021 to early 2025.
When she was chosen to lead USAID in 2021, Republicans expressed opposition to her appointment because of her anti-Israel record, including her decision in 2016 to abstain from a U.N. Security Council resolution claiming Israel’s presence in Jerusalem was illegal. more here
get your lib-c**t ass out, bitch
I see why people call her “Sam”.
They can handle women at GITMO…right?
Friday, 7 February 2025, 8:13 at 8:13 am
“They can handle women at GITMO…right?”
…Give her to the Muzzies.
She’ll get handled, all right…
“Or if you’re in Sudan and you have a child who’s wasting away because of malnutrition, a miracle paste, a peanut paste that USAID provides brings that kid back from the brink of death. All of those programs are shuttered.”
…you know, if the Sudanese “government” would look up for five minutes from corruption and killing in the name of their pedo “prophet”, they could make or buy their OWN damn “miracle peanut paste”.
Just sayin’…
Where’s the outrage at unelected people making policy? I never voted for Samantha Powers.
…meanwhile, this Comminist cunt funds a “miracle peanut paste” to sterilize, cripple, and kill the people in her own nation that FUND her peanut pasting elsewhere, giving OUR money to fund Coof and the fakevaxxx that has not a DAMN thing to do with her stated mission, although probably has a LOT to do with her UNstated mission of spreading Communist evil thoughout the world by poisioning in one way or another those that would not be its slaves…
“…including her decision in 2016 to abstain from a U.N. Security Council resolution claiming Israel’s presence in Jerusalem was illegal.”
…isnt it her mission as an “ambassador” to merely REPRESENT her government and transmit the will of her president to whatever body she’s speaking to?
2016 would be the questionable reign of the illegal Indonesian Muslim Barry Soetoro, dba “Barack Obama”.
…so Im guessing that, evil though she is in her OWN right, she was mostly the beard/cover/fall guy for this being HIS will as much as it may have been HERS…
Didn’t she unmask hundreds of USA agents ???
That is treason, No ?
This bitch has been on my radar for a while. Whatever happens to her will be less than she deserves.
Her pics look like a strung-out drug addict.
18 billion to muslim terrorist countries, no problem… frontpagemag.com
Twisted evil trolls….. and Shitpants and chocolate jesus were their well-spoken adonis frontmen.
Yeah, both “men”. Ha!
Fun fact – This criminally ugly evil twat is an immigrant from Ireland who needs to be prosecuted, convicted, imprisoned and stripped of her citizenship and deported back to the Emerald Isle
Sam wants to be “head” of the USAID?
Then cut hers off, and stick it on a pike outside the main door of the USAID building.
At Junius, see Woodman’s comment for appropriate punishment
Samantha Powers serves only Satan.
She never “served” as ambassador to shit.
Does Samantha have one of the shiny, preemptive pardons?
I thought the Kennedy women were the ugliest – but now we have a contender!
She has that same Kennedy-esque look about her.
I think she looks like Jerry Mahoney.
Kind of funny all the frothing at the mouth commenters here never stopped to realize who she’s married to. You people kill me sometimes.
CIA Operative. Period. Fulls stop.
Cass Sunstein, research him and this bull shit even gets worse people.