Same Energy – IOTW Report

33 Comments on Same Energy

  1. Total faggot. Someone needs to look into what Coach Walz was doing in the locker room with teenaged boys. He even started a Fag Club in the high school, not even trying to hide his faggotry.

  2. ^^^^
    He reminds me of a giant turd. Did he dance like that when he instructed his states National Guard to shoot people on their front porch after curfew? I mean they were on their property right.
    Unfortunately we watched his entire speech tonight. Most of which was spent trying to link Trump and Vance to Agenda 25. Dear Heritage Foundation, what the fuck. Put a disclaimer on your dumb ass web site saying this has nothing to do with DJT.

  3. Both he and Kimmiela seem like they’ve even coached to try to seem fun and likeable, like just one of us types.
    It’s not working.
    It’s just more cringe every day.
    It’s natural with Trump. He actually worked to get where he is and doesn’t look down on us like they look down on everyone.

  4. Mincing Minnesota Mussolini definitely has a trail of intimidated child victims in his past.

    And in the video from which that still shot was taken, there is a moment during his sashay when Walz turns his back to the audience and clasps his hands above his head. And I swear, in that moment, his pants go up his crack, and he wiggles his ass.

    The guy is a sick showboat, fruity fascist, and I pray we are not saddled with him and the drunken dicktaster for four long years.

  5. SNS, I distinctly remember that there was a question asking if you had ever been a member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade on the loyalty oath section of questions when I joined the Navy in 1972. Most people don’t even have a clue what the Abraham Lincoln Brigade was. That it was a left-wing organization designed to hire and entice American volunteer’s (more like mercenaries) into serving the Spanish Civil war in the 1930’s as fellow travelers.

  6. Thirdtwin, we may not survive as a free America for 4 years of a Harris/Walz commie administration. I would predict a second civil war if God forbid these 2 commie assholes win the Presidential election on Nov. 5th. I will not submit; God is our only hope.

  7. geoff the aardvark
    Thursday, 22 August 2024, 8:10 at 8:10 am
    “SNS, I distinctly remember that there was a question asking if you had ever been a member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade on the loyalty oath section of questions when I joined the Navy in 1972. Most people don’t even have a clue what the Abraham Lincoln Brigade was.”

    …you will notice in that Chicago Communist rally image, that the word “DEMOCRACY” is at the top of the stage in giant letters, above the images of Lincoln and Lenin…

    …hmm. Chicago, Communist, “democracy”?

    …history may not fully repeat, but it sure does rhyme…

  8. About 1966 or 67 George Lincoln Rockwell was invited to speak at Eastern Wash. State College (now EWU) in Cheney, Wash. but was turned down and disinvited by the college administration and faculty due to his racist views. I remember this because my mom was training to be a teacher at the time and told me all about it. Rockwell never came to Cheney to spew his racist/anti-American bs and it was a good thing.


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