Same Sex Marriage Issue Was Never About Marriage – IOTW Report

Same Sex Marriage Issue Was Never About Marriage

Patriot Post

Looking ahead to a possible constitutional right to same-sex “marriage,” Justice Samuel Alito asked a key question: “In the Bob Jones case, the Court held that a college was not entitled to tax-exempt status if it opposed interracial marriage or interracial dating. So would the same apply to a university or a college if it opposed same-sex marriage?” With chilling honesty, Verrilli admitted, “It’s certainly going to be an issue. I don’t deny that. I don’t deny that, Justice Alito. It is — it is going to be an issue.”

Translation: If churches, religious groups, schools, or nonprofits won’t surrender their beliefs on marriage, the government will make it hurt. A lot.

Imagine what’s happening to Aaron and Melissa Klein (slapped with a $135,000 fine for their marriage views) occurring on a national scale through hijacked tax exemptions, Pell grants, loans, and other government contracts. If the Supreme Court finds invisible ink granting a “right” to same-sex “marriage” in the Constitution, it will be a declaration of war on principled objectors. Any nonprofit that holds to a natural definition of marriage — the same definition our own president held three years ago — would have a target on its back. (Or a bigger target, I should say.)

Is it really a stretch, given the IRS’s history of harassment and discrimination against conservatives, to think that it wouldn’t show a “smidgeon” of prejudice? This ruling would give the political operatives at one of the country’s most powerful agencies even more ammunition to punish opposition. Resistance — even principled, seemingly protected resistance — wouldn’t be tolerated. The IRS, which has been weaponized under this administration, will stop at nothing, including stripping tax exemptions, to force acceptance.


12 Comments on Same Sex Marriage Issue Was Never About Marriage

  1. Of course it was never about ‘marriage’ Homos want not just approval of their abnormality, they demand CELEBRATION of it.

    That means they will brook absolutely no other principles. It’s not enough for me to say go ahead, be homos. I must bow to them and demands that I abandon my beliefs.

    They will use the power of the state to attempt to force my church to perform services that go against centuries of Catholic tradition. When churches are forced to pay property taxes, the most in need of the 1,000s of things churches do to help the most in need are going to go wanting.

    It’s a win-win for our OverLords as they see it-more people will be forced to rely on government and the religious freedom we’ve enjoyed will be gone.

    Limbaugh made a good point the other day that being how the hell can such a small minority of people(homos~2%) dictate to such a large majority just what kind of beliefs we can hold?

    It’d almost be like pedophiles telling people that stoiking 7 and 8 year old children is good for them…oh wait, they are…hmmm bad example.

    The fact is without religion in a society, perversions will fill the vacuum. You don’t necessarily have to believe in God but not allowing others that do is the road to perdition.

  2. Once the tax exempt status goes away, the fascists will then be able to control the churches. If that doesn’t kick-start the counterrevolution, nothing will.

  3. I see a day coming where 2 heterosexual people will be commencing a marital ceremony, with gay protestors picketing outside.
    The hearts of men surely grow continually wicked. No wonder why Sodom had to be destroyed.

  4. They want us to bow down to sexual perversion of any nature, as defined by the perverts themselves.

    They can go to hell.

    The people vote this crap down every time, and then judges just take it upon themselves to legislate from the bench without the consent of the people.

    Most of the remedies I can think of are illegal today, but were seen as requirements by our Founding Fathers.

  5. The 2.5% minority would NEVER have as loud a voice as they currently do without having been adopted by the loony leftists and the entirety of the democrat party.

    The democrat party is the safe haven for all minorities, deviants and special interest groups.

    The leftists see an opportunity to agitate the conservatives by ramrodding through the homoqueer agenda. They sympathize and approve of it simply because it is deviant from the conservative norm.

  6. Oh yeah. The threat of removing churches’ tax exempt status is only the opening volley. Once the FedThug has the ability to dispatch its IRS Enforcers to investigate and expropriate the assets of any stubborn church that insists on holding to their outdated old bigoted Biblical beliefs, then the real social engineering begins!!!

  7. God will NOT be mocked!
    They think they are ‘getting away’ with their idolatry, that God isn’t real. Oh my. I actually feel pity for these folks. They’ve been given a choice, as has every human being on the face of this earth.
    Read John 14:6. ITimothy 2:5,6. Acts 4:12. Etc.
    So many verses that tell the result of making that wrong choice.

  8. I wonder how the Vatican is feeling about hopping into bed with Obama in 2007/2008 now? Actually, the new Pope is probably feeling pretty good about it. The church is in a great deal of trouble, most it self-inflicted.

  9. Pure control. That is the Left’s goal. Pure unadulterated control. Over every institution in the country. Evil bastards. And waaaaayyyyyyyy too few know it’s coming with this decision. Alito’s on to it, but the lockstep Leftist cabal on the Court loves it and will vote in lockstep. It’s on wishy washy Roberts and pro-gay Kennedy to put limits in place – and they won’t. There goes everyone’s religious rights.

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