Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab – IOTW Report

Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab

h/t Mrs 6pak

Epoch Times:

Samples from early Wuhan COVID-19 patients show the presence of genetically modified Henipah virus, an American scientist has found.

Henipah was one of the two types of viruses sent to China by Chinese-born scientists from a Canadian laboratory at the centre of a controversy over the firing of the scientists and collaboration with Chinese military researchers. It is not clear whether the virus found in the Chinese samples is related to the virus samples sent by the Canadian lab, which were shipped in late March 2019.

The finding was confirmed for The Epoch Times by another qualified scientist.

The evidence was first found by Dr. Steven Quay, a Seattle-based physician-scientist and former faculty member at the Stanford University School of Medicine, who looked at early COVID-19 samples uploaded by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) shortly after China informed the World Health Organization about the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.

The samples from the patients, who reportedly were found to have an “unidentified pneumonia disease” in December 2019, were uploaded to the genetic sequence database, GenBank, on the website of the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH).

Quay says that while other scientists around the world were mostly interested in examining the genome of SARS-CoV-2 in the samples uploaded by the WIV scientists, he wanted to see what else was in the samples collected from the patients.

So he collaborated with a few other scientists to analyze sequences from the samples.

“We started fishing inside for weird things,” Quay told The Epoch Times.

What they found, he says, are the results of what could likely be contamination from different experiments in the lab making their way into the samples, as well as evidence of Henipah virus. more here

6 Comments on Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab

  1. The implication in the article is that Trudeau called a new election in order to dissolve Parliament and thereby terminate any requirement to provide information about the Wuhan lab. What a great time to be a conspiracy theorist.

    The Deep State cannot allow a Congress that will seriously investigate this (not that a Republican Congress would do it, but the possibility is still there). HB4 is on the fast track.

  2. What the CBC did do was go out of their way to say that it was False information & ultra Right wing conspiracy when anyone tried to link the removal of Chinese Scientists & Students from the Canuckistan Lab.

    Fuck us.

  3. To be fair, Fidel’s spawn did not give the CCP a bio-weapon. He merely facilitated the CCP by giving them viruses they could weaponize. It’s the same thing Fauci and friends did, so it must have been OK. I mean, you can trust the CCP to not try to make a bio-superweapon — right? They were only making vaccines, you know, just like Iran is only interested in nuclear power generation. If you trust people, they will do the right thing, says every incompetent leader just before being thrust into chaos.

  4. ACparker

    the Chynezze have stolen everything they can from every country on the planet. Welcoming them in, not watching them, and allowing the theft especially in sensitive areas is a distinctly Canadian thing.

    The fuckers robbed Nortel Blind in the 90’s of what would become 5G technology. They Ass Raped Research In Motion, and looted Lucent, Motolola, & others.

    On Youtube there is a 45 min interview between General Steve Kwast and Candace Owens where he gets directly into ChYna’s strategies, military plans, & espionage. I suggest ALL People watch it.

    With all that glorious shit, Canada let the bio samples get out along with the scientists. I’m sure they were flown home in Business class and picked the filet mignion.

    And let’s not forget, the cocksuckers also infiltrated US universities. The Chair of Harvard University Chem & Biology Dept. was charged along side 2 ChYneze Nationals for Aiding the PRC. Jan 28/2020.


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