San Bernardino County DA Calls Out Jon Stewart For Slanderous Claim – IOTW Report

San Bernardino County DA Calls Out Jon Stewart For Slanderous Claim

Stewart has responded and says he will apologize on air Monday.

9 Comments on San Bernardino County DA Calls Out Jon Stewart For Slanderous Claim

  1. Can’t wait to hear his liberal apology (eyes rolling). John Stewart is king of his castle, and not going to succeed any true guilt. The audience won’t have it. He will precede it with an untrue explanation of the incident then apologize for something smaller. Guaranteed!

  2. But that is Liebowitz’s ENTIRE SCHTICK. His whole show is based on attacking the actions and beliefs of conservatives that do not exist – they are all strawmen. One big lie. After another. and another.

  3. @MJA- But consider the 1st amendment. To bring a successful case against any media figure one would have to prove malicious intent. Not easy, since most of their crap is filtered through lawyers in the first place.

  4. Stewart, Colbert, and all the rest of Obama’s State Approved Jesters ought to be deeply ashamed, but, alas, they’re not capable. Wouldn’t it be great if the entire armed security detail they employ turned to them and said, “That’s how you feel? Protect yourself, a$$hole.”

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