San Diego: Hepatitis Outbreak Infects 400, Death Toll Hits 16 – IOTW Report

San Diego: Hepatitis Outbreak Infects 400, Death Toll Hits 16

Breitbart: Hepatitis A has claimed yet another life as San Diego city and county officials scramble for solutions amid an uncontrolled outbreak that has now killed 16, and infected just over 400 people.

According to the San Diego Union Tribune, Mayor Kevin Faulconer announced a new plan Wednesday that includes erecting massive industrial tents complete with “beds, showers, restroom and hand washing stations:”  MORE

17 Comments on San Diego: Hepatitis Outbreak Infects 400, Death Toll Hits 16

  1. Waiting to see how they are going to blame parents for not immunizing their kids in this latest outbreak of something caused by “undocumented illegal out the ass invaders”.

  2. The local gummint clowns are allowing blocks of downtown to be used for tents to house these indigents. No running water, no sanitation, no food, just tents on the sidewalks. None of them could have forrseen or anticipated this result. Horsefeathers!

  3. I will bet it’s coming from the city water supply and they are covering their asses.

    Having worked over twenty years in the shit business, I’d never came down with anything so much as even a bad infection.

    This is local government covering something up. Either food or water.

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