San Francisco: A hacker gained access to a Bay Area drinking water facility – IOTW Report

San Francisco: A hacker gained access to a Bay Area drinking water facility

MSN: The breach happened on January 15 and was noticed the next day by workers at the unnamed facility, who changed passwords and added the programs back in. The individual is being referred to as a hacker, but it doesn’t appear it took much hacking to get in. The person got hold of a former plant employee’s username and password, and simply logged themselves into the system.

Although NBC News said the hacker “tried to poison” the Bay Area’s drinking water, that assertion was disputed by a Northern California Regional Intelligence Center official who spoke with the San Francisco Chronicle. (SFGATE and the Chronicle are both owned by Hearst, but operate independently of one another.)

“It takes a lot to influence a water supply chain,” executive director Michael Sena said. “For a large impact, there has to be a large change in the chemicals in the system. The amount of chemicals it would take to cause harm to people…the numbers are astronomical.” more

11 Comments on San Francisco: A hacker gained access to a Bay Area drinking water facility

  1. “…the hacker “tried to poison” the Bay Area’s drinking water…”

    …I would think the typhoid and drug-laced runoff from the heaps of human excrement on the streets would poison the water supply nicely, no “hacking” needed…

  2. “The person got hold of a former plant employee’s username and password, and simply logged themselves into the system.”

    Sounds like a disgruntled employee to me.

    And you’re doing a shitty job of IT management if you DON’T disable the profiles of your employees who leave for ANY reason anyway, especially those with high level (controls) access.


  3. Also, you’re a retard if you leave controls access connected to an Internet facing portal in ANY way. Controls networks should be separated by an AIR firewall from the outside world, anything ELSE will be hacked or destroyed sooner or later, either on purpose, by someone surfing for porn on third shift, or simply by an idiot opening an email attachment from a Nigerian prince…

  4. The City of SF gets their water from the Hetch Hetchy water reservoir located near Yosemite. The environmentalist have for years been wanting to return the reservoir back to its natural state. Only problem will be, “where we gonna get water from?” SF use to be a beautiful city – then the liberals destroyed it like the rest of the State and they’re pleased about that.

  5. burner
    JUNE 22, 2021 AT 10:51 AM
    “Surfing porn at the water plant?”

    I manage control systems run across 3 shifts, in parallel to IT systems managed by others.

    If it has a screen, someone WILL try to access porn on it.


  6. Staff noticed security breech when citizens started phoning in and complimenting them on water suddenly being cleaner, clearer and better tasting with less flavour of asshole.


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