San Francisco Built “Open Air Urinals” to Allow People to Pee in Public – IOTW Report

San Francisco Built “Open Air Urinals” to Allow People to Pee in Public

san francisco open air peeing

Deneen Borelli:  San Francisco has taken government waste to a whole new level.

Fox News reports:

America’s social fabric has been held together by a few simple rules: Don’t swear in front of children, say ‘thanks,’ and don’t pee in public. But in San Francisco, public urination is now being sanctioned by the government. The city’s Dolores Park reopened in January, equipped with an open-air urinal following complaints that too few toilets were leading people to relieve themselves … elsewhere.

san fran urinals outdoor

Though it was an attempt to make a gross situation just a little bit less so, some locals are not happy and one group is threatening to sue.

“This is a new low even for San Francisco. It is also blatantly illegal,”


24 Comments on San Francisco Built “Open Air Urinals” to Allow People to Pee in Public

  1. Progs and pigeons are among the few animals that foul their own nests. They will pay $3000 for a studio with feces, addicts and prostitutes littering the streets outside when they could get a house with a yard in a nice neighborhood for less just a few miles away.

  2. The educated person immediately asks: “Why can’t they just build a bathroom?”
    Then from the back of the brain comes the reply all sarcastic:
    “Because this is San Francisco, these assholes will turn it into a gay bordello/homeless shelter before the paint dries”
    You would probably do better with an open channel on all the streets running with sea water.

  3. Seems like the most sensible thing would be to arrest the pee-petrators and deport them at least 500 miles into Mexico. “But they’re not illegal alie… ahem, undocumented immigrants.” They’re ‘undocumented’ in Mexico, right? If Mexico can push their unwanted trash on us, I think paying them back in kind is a good idea, and this scum isn’t “living in the shadows”, they’re right out in the open where they can be found easily.

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