San Francisco: Cleaning Up Addicts’ Needles A Full-Time Job – IOTW Report

San Francisco: Cleaning Up Addicts’ Needles A Full-Time Job

DC: San Francisco Mayor Mark Farrell is creating a full-time work force to clean up the used needles that are strewn around the city’s streets by drug addicts.

As the San Francisco Examiner reports, Farrell announced Monday that the workers will have the “sole responsibility” of disposing of the needles and syringes.

The issue could be intensified if San Francisco successfully becomes the first in the U.S. to open a supervised injection site where addicts can come to shoot-up illegal drugs without fear of being arrested by local police. New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Seattle are also considering such a proposal that proponents argue saves lives but critics say only enables and perpetuates drug use. The first supervised injection site in North America opened in Vancouver, Canada in 2005.  read more

12 Comments on San Francisco: Cleaning Up Addicts’ Needles A Full-Time Job

  1. San Franciscans seem to be going at warp speed to become the most morally reprehensible collection of people on the planet.
    They’re doing quite well in their lofty endeavor.

  2. Send all those bums, derelicts, druggies, dead beats, criminals, and other democrats to Portland, where liberals only pay attention to MSM outlets. They’re are unaware of what liberalism has done to San Francisco. Portland’s elected officials are hell bent on turning Portland into the next San Francisco. Portland wants them, San Francisco wants to get rid of them. A win-win. Would only take about 10,000 bus loads and Portland will probably pick up the tab.

  3. I like San Francisco’s can-do attitude: if there is a problem, let’s accommodate it. I can’t wait for the legislation that permits “gun enhanced zones” to complement the failure of gun-free zones.

  4. All the thousands of needles left on the streets of California isn’t the fault of drug addicts.

    It is the state’s fault for not having used needle depositories on every block for the addicts to freely use.

    Turn this negative into a positive, start a Green Needle Recycling Program funded by the state.
    A $30 Million Ad campaign and 2000 additional community organizers should fix the problem.
    Wait, like Illinois, hire a few thousand state funded mental health professionals for counseling, too. Those degrees don’t pay for themselves, you know.

  5. @Cato has the right idea.
    There has to be a simple answer to homeless bathroom (or lack of bathroom) issues, too.
    If nothing else, a metal trough for men to use, and some kind of accommodation for women might end the human waste on the sidewalks.

  6. Dig a huge hole with a giant
    turbo charged Kamatso track hoe
    with a 4 yard bucket! out in the
    boonies.Then go 1949 China on them
    addicts.Round them up and fill the hole.
    Repeat every 5 years or as needed…

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