San Francisco considers a measure to screen welfare recipients for addiction – IOTW Report

San Francisco considers a measure to screen welfare recipients for addiction

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The Democratic mayor of San Francisco is pushing a pair of controversial public safety proposals on the March 5 ballot, including one that would require single adults on welfare be screened and treated for illegal drug addiction or else lose cash assistance.

Mayor London Breed also supports a ballot measure that would grant police more crime-fighting powers, such as the use of drones and surveillance cameras. In November, she’ll face cranky voters in a competitive reelection bid.

San Francisco is in a struggle to redefine itself after the pandemic left it in economic tatters and highlighted its longstanding problems with homelessness, drugs and property crime. Opponents say both ballot measures are wildly out of step with San Francisco’s support for privacy and civil liberties and will only hurt the marginalized communities the city prides itself on helping. more

11 Comments on San Francisco considers a measure to screen welfare recipients for addiction

  1. Why do I feel like this is some insidious plot? Make crime so intolerable that the citizens are begging for relief, then institute absolutely draconian measures (drones and surveillance cameras) to rob people of any sense of privacy.

    Crime could be reduced simply by funding and supporting a local police department and fostering goodwill between citizens and local law enforcement.

  2. Why not include married addicts? It’s as if destruction of the already dysfunctional family is the desired. Who needs rehab more than a married addict parent who can’t hold a job?

    I suppose making stealing a crime again is out of the question. Think of the surge in captive addicts available for rehab courtesy of the county jail.

    On its face San Francisco is lost, ditto California

  3. NO. BAD IDEA, BAD, BAD. If expensive, worthless, insane, low life, career criminal alcoholics and drug addicts are cut off in San Francisco, they’ll move to Portland where open arms, high tolerance, and low standards are bum-magnets powered by drugs that are cheap, plentiful, and legal. Bad idea, no, no. Bad idea. Some of those newly imported, filthy rotten, disease-ridden losers will get elected. Ignore Portland and Salem politicians who look to San Francisco and say “hold my beer.” San Francisco, keep things the way they are. The entire west is counting on you.

  4. The revolution proceeds apace. The commies have the high ground and they are opening up the new fronts of massive illiterate unskilled immigration onto welfare dependent drug addicted criminal communities in cities across the nation. Now to eliminate the welfare to massively increase the crime in the cities, don’t forget all the defunding of police that has occurred over the last few years.

    Make things bad enough and the people will shriek for the commies… sorry, demorats, sorry, just repeating myself there, statist totalitarian solution. None of this is accidental. Whether legal or not, arm up and get practice cuz you’re gonna wish you did whether you do or not.


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