San Francisco: Cycling Champ Mowed Down by Car as Liberal City Compared to 3rd World Country – IOTW Report

San Francisco: Cycling Champ Mowed Down by Car as Liberal City Compared to 3rd World Country

GP: The city of San Francisco is officially in a PR nightmare as yet another high-profile death has rocked the City by the Bay — and grabbed more negative press in the process.

According to NBC News, cyclist Ethan Boyes died on Tuesday after a car struck him while he was cycling in a San Francisco park.

The 44-year-old Boyes, whom NBC credited with “multiple world and national track championships,” was ultimately pronounced dead at a hospital.

Boyes was a beloved member of the cycling community, as evidenced by the outpouring of grief at his death: more

12 Comments on San Francisco: Cycling Champ Mowed Down by Car as Liberal City Compared to 3rd World Country

  1. It is one thing to vote for pie in the sky prog horseshit, it’s quite another to live it. Enjoy the suck.

    It would surprise me greatly if the activist groups he was involved with were not completely and totally wedded to advancing the progressive agenda and bicycling is not just a vehicle with which to accomplish that end.

  2. “We’ve leaving,” Carmignami’s father told reporters. “Enough is enough. We’ll go to Nevada, we’ll go to Arizona, we’ll go somewhere … but I’m not staying here. I can’t worry about walking out my door and getting attacked.”

    That doesn’t surprise me one bit. There is absolutely no way he advanced to and remained in the position of Fire Chief in SF w/o being focused primarily on implementing the progressive agenda. No way.

  3. Huh. Even in SF, the quintessential icon of total Democrat douchebaggery as personified by an arrogant manbun in gay little bicycle shorts brazenly lifting his feminine ass to any and all traffic laws as he blocks traffic lanes instead of using the billion dollar bicycle lanes his kind forced cities to build at massive taxpayer expense and motorist inconvenience and then are despised in favor of screwing everyone ELSE up, if THAT guy can’t survive in SF, then who CAN?

    …they don’t USE the bike lanes, but they sure don’t want anyone ELSE to…

    …no tears here. The bicylcling Democrats tend to be the biggest assholes of them all. Live by the woke, die by the woke, Commie.

  4. JDHasty AT 11:17 AM
    ‘“We’ve leaving,” Carmignami’s father told reporters. “Enough is enough. We’ll go to Nevada, we’ll go to Arizona, we’ll go somewhere … but I’m not staying here. I can’t worry about walking out my door and getting attacked.”’

    …and drag his politics with him until his new home is as wrecked as his old, and wonder why he’s afraid to go out the door again, it’s almost like it followed him for…some reason, go figure…

  5. For a long time I’ve said of liberal shitholes, ‘they voted for it, they deserve it’. Things are far enough out of hand in SF or Chicago or even Seattle that I don’t think even the most brain dead liberal would vote for more. The people (COMMUNISTS masquerading as democrats) who run the vote counting apparatus are determining who gets elected. Not the people.

  6. “We’ve leaving,” Carmignami’s father told reporters. “Enough is enough. We’ll go to Nevada, we’ll go to Arizona, we’ll go somewhere.
    If you’re a liberal asswipe, stay your ass in commifornia, or move to some other blue shithold. We have enough problems with commies and cartels here in AZ!


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