San Francisco Drug Overdose Deaths Far Outpace City’s CCP-19 Death Count – IOTW Report

San Francisco Drug Overdose Deaths Far Outpace City’s CCP-19 Death Count

While many fear dangers posed by the spread of COVID-19, San Francisco is dealing with an epidemic of drug overdoses. The problem has gotten so bad, drug overdose deaths have far outpaced deaths from COVID-19 deaths in the California city.

From SF Gate:

A record 621 people died of drug overdoses in San Francisco so far this year, a staggering number that far outpaces the 173 deaths from COVID-19 the city has seen thus far.

SF Gate reports that the city’s problem would be even worse if not for the widespread use of Narcan, which has been used to prevent overdose deaths close to 3,000 times so far this year.

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9 Comments on San Francisco Drug Overdose Deaths Far Outpace City’s CCP-19 Death Count

  1. A relative of mine died after fighting cancer for over 2 years. But they found covid-19 antibodies in him so they said he died of covid-19.
    I understand that the hospital gets more money that way.
    Corrupt bast*rds.

  2. Drug overdose deaths nationally have increased dramatically – 81,000 have died or far more than the people that died from Covid rather than with Covid. And now they are teeing up the ‘new’ super spreader mutant virus likely to give plugs reason to lock us all down once he is ‘installed’. Not seeing the light anytime soon.

  3. The way I see it, they have needle exchange in San Francisco. I see nothing wrong in the overdoses being exhibited there. The people in charge of making sure drugs are readily available, are promoting death. To them it’s good riddance and less $hit on the street. It cost less money for someone who OD’d, than to pay several workers to wash the streets of San Francisco down every day. This is the gift of liberalism to a free society.

  4. Helping to highlight the Media’s intense over-focus on COVID!
    Hyping something 24/7 has only intensified the fear factor and the over-reaction of needlessly shutting things down instead of a common-sense approach! We all know they have used COVID as a tool for fear and control during an election year (there are no coincidences) and lop-sided statistics like this are part of the proof!

  5. The government knows best. If you go to a hospital for anything other than Covid the hospital has to fight to get paid. If hospital codes your hang nail visit as Covid there are no questions asked. See? The government knows best.


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