San Francisco minimum wage hike causes restaurant closures – IOTW Report

San Francisco minimum wage hike causes restaurant closures

AmericanLookout: The left always wants the government to raise the minimum wage rather than letting the issue be decided by businesses and the free market.

As a result, there are always consequences that come with raising the minimum wage. While leftists congratulate themselves for raising the rate, businesses close.

That’s what’s happening in San Francisco right now.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Hike in minimum wage prompts more closings of San Francisco restaurants

San Francisco’s higher minimum wage is causing an increasing number of restaurants to go out of business even before it is fully phased in, a new study by the Harvard Business School found.

The closings were concentrated among struggling, lower-rated restaurants. The higher minimum also caused fewer new restaurants to open, it found.  more

15 Comments on San Francisco minimum wage hike causes restaurant closures

  1. Again, gummit do gooders, with the best of intentions, think they have to fix something not broken. And predictably, the laws of unintended consequences prevail. Nothing new here, happens all the time. Do gooders just refuse to admit what failed in the past is going to fail in the future.

  2. It would have been more interesting to have interviews with owners that squarely blame the minimum wage increase on the closure of the restaurant as well as interviews with staff now unemployed. I’m not sure how Harvard determined a place closed because of the minimum wage or because it was already on the edge and sliding sales tipped it over.

  3. Seriously, though, who in his right mind would consume any-fukkin-thing in San Francisco?
    Don’t put that in your mouth!
    You don’t know where it’s been!
    You don’t know who’s been handling it!
    Ewwwww …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The increased minimum wage is sort of a gift for larger corporate chains that can afford automation and weather decreased revenues while they gradually increase prices to compensate. Small businesses can’t do the same. Gone will be the mom and pop restaurants, hair salons, and shops.

  5. This will kill the standalone mom and pop’s, which ironically are usually the better/kinder employers to work for.

    The big chains will be fine. Robot kiosks and Japanese train station type mandatory self service. Prices will go up and stay up, despite the cost savings of automation.

    The Left destroys everything it touches.

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