San Francisco, NYC rents continue decline – IOTW Report

San Francisco, NYC rents continue decline

New York City and San Francisco have dealt with an exodus of residents due to the pandemic

FOX: In the U.S. rents increased modestly in August compared with years prior, but in some major metro markets they continued to fall.

According to the latest data from Apartment List, rents across the country rose 0.1% last month – and prices were about 0.3% above where they were during the same period last year.

Researchers noted that typically during this time of the year rent growth is normally at its fastest pace – in fact, from March to August growth has typically ranged from 1.2% to 2.5% over the past six years. That makes this year’s growth the slowest by far.

And in some major, expensive markets, rents are still declining, both month over month and over a more extended duration.

In San Francisco, apartment prices have declined by 4.7% since March – the largest amount of any major city. The median rent for a two-bedroom apartment as of August, however, was still $2,956. Month over month, rent prices fell 1.5%. more

22 Comments on San Francisco, NYC rents continue decline

  1. A friend was saying a couple of weeks ago that Santa Monica rents are down about 30%, landlords struggling to fill the apartments. This will increase rapidly over the next month or two as people lose their unemployment + the $600/week federal that ended in July. Definitely a buyer’s market.

  2. I just saw the Hilton in Time Square is closing. The damage these shut downs and defunding police are going to have are not going to be outdone anytime soon. Particularly when you have DeBlasio talking about restaurants staying closed for indoor dining until June 2021. The down side is all the libtards fleeing ending up in FL, ID, AZ, TX, GA, NC etc. Not good for future elections and those of us in these states.

  3. S.F liberal logic would point to the supply/demand rent decline as a prime example for rent control. We just can’t have those cyclical fluctuations, we must have stable pricing – even if it results in the inevitable unintended consequences.

  4. How much does a 1 bed studio apartment with human feces and used needles on the sidewalk out front go for now? What about a 2 bedroom with trans & gay hookers out front?

  5. Well hell, who couldn’t resist the allure of a creative advertising campaign promoting an atmosphere of fried fecal matter and sizzling bum-piss! I wouldn’t give ya $100K for a 2 mil condo cuz until the root cause of all this shit (as in Dumbed-Down Liberal Marxists) is gone, it’s just going to happen again… and I no way do I wanna be there!

  6. TRF:

    “fried fecal matter and sizzling bum-piss”

    Stop it!! You are not conforming to anti-laughter, community standards. (Plus, a piece of my sammich is now on my keyboard and there’s mayo between the keys!)

  7. @Jimmy – “Stop it!! You are not conforming to anti-laughter, community standards.”

    RIGHT?! The dems are trying to kill any kind of activity people enjoy. NO LIVE MUSIC!! NO DINING OUT WITH LIVE MUSIC!!! NO HAVING PARTIES!! NO GOING TO THE BEACH/LAKE!!! DO NOT ENJOY THE SUMMER – WE FORBID IT!!

  8. i really can,t figure out what these left dregs want! Do they really think the gov. is going to provide? weather alert folks, your home can,t protect from a massive storm, after the lefty storm you will not have home to keep you dry. What is wrong with these folks?

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