San Francisco Paper Downplays Minimum Wage Increases Despite Restaurant Closures – IOTW Report

San Francisco Paper Downplays Minimum Wage Increases Despite Restaurant Closures

NB: A January 24 item in the East Bay Times, which serves the San Francisco East Bay area, wondered: “What’s behind the spate of recent restaurant closures?”

While it didn’t ignore the problem, the article made only glancing references to current and planned increases in state and city minimum wages. Preliminary year-end statistics at the U.S. government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics show that Bay area restaurant industry employment and even general retail employment have fallen, and are possibly headed towards a steep decline. One has to wonder how obvious things will have to get before the press takes the negative effects of the area’s mandated sky-high minimums seriously.


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14 Comments on San Francisco Paper Downplays Minimum Wage Increases Despite Restaurant Closures

  1. I would say that the minimum wage hike is a rather conspicuous factor given the enormity of the amount, not to mention the burden. I guess they don’t get that much oxygen in their little bubbles they exist in, thus the lack of reasoning power.

  2. Can’t let the FACTS get in the way of the narrative, now can we?
    Of course, is it possible (just possible) the the Journ-O-Listers are so fucking dumb that they can’t make the connection?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Aunti Nan says the workers can collect unemployment compensation, and that will put a lot of money in the economy, ($1.50 for every dollar in benefits) so people will end up eating out more, and restaurants can afford to hire more workers at the increased minimum wage, which will generate more tax dollars to pay for the increased unemployment benefits. Or something.

  4. I’m a member of the corporate board for a local VFW with a bar and grille in the People’s Republic of Taxachusetts. Minimum wage jumped up from about $7.50 to $10.00/hr on January 1 2016, and bumped up again to $11.00/hr on Jan 1, 2017. We barely scraped through in 2016. We expect to close the bar this year, which then puts another eight or ten people on unemployment.

  5. The big one could hit, a giant meteor could splash down offshore and cause a cataclysmic tsunami , jerry brown could get help for his mental deficiencies, before the prog’s in CA would ever admit to a fuckup like what is about to befall them.

  6. Gotta go to SF this week, and we will be dining out for 1 meal. Customers pay for the employee’s health care. It’s right on the receipt as an extra tax. I circle it, then I deduct that amount from the tip. I refuse to pay for double dipping. TS!

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