San Francisco Renaming Abe Lincoln High School Because “Black Lives Didn’t Matter” to Him – IOTW Report

San Francisco Renaming Abe Lincoln High School Because “Black Lives Didn’t Matter” to Him

Dan Bongino-

Those leading the cancel culture witch hunts of today demand constant atonement, yet offer no path for forgiveness.

So strict are the rules today that one couldn’t abolish slavery to absolve themselves of guilt, and that’s not being hyperbolic. more

14 Comments on San Francisco Renaming Abe Lincoln High School Because “Black Lives Didn’t Matter” to Him

  1. Of course this is really stupid, but stupid people do stupid things so in that vein, it doesn’t bother me.

    There are enough cop killers, welfare cheats, dim-witted waitresses that cry in refrigerators, Muslims married to their brothers, homosexual preachers that don’t know God, race hustlers, all manner of vermin, lots of possible candidates for renaming. Rename all the schools, tattoo “moron” on your foreheads,revel in your lunacy, the normal folks need a good laugh.

  2. The black man enslaved the black man and brought them to America…Over 700 thousand white men died in the Civil War to free those black men, including a white Republican President named Abraham Lincoln…Then LBJ created the Great Society and got caught on a hot microphone saying how we we will have these n*****s voting Democrat for the next 200 years…It worked.
    Black voters up for Trump at over 20 percent…Yet Trump still lost? I guess when you have a voter turnout in Detroit, Phoenix,Atlanta, Milwaukee, Philly,Pittsburgh, Las vegas,Minneapolis, Richmond,and other shit-hole democrat run cities in key battleground states garnering 300 percent voter turnout…I’m pretty sure there are more than 75 million voters in our country who are mad as hell.
    At this point in time, dear readers, I’m ready for Civil War 2 to start…And trust me, I AM READY. Blessed to live on a quiet farm in rural Indiana, in a solid red state, solid red county, solid red Sheriff, solid red congressman, 2 solid red Senators, and a red Gov…God help the suburbanites in blue states…They will be the first to wish to God they hadn’t voted for Harris…When they call 911 and no one responds, and they have no guns to fight back or defend their homes…well, it’s going to get ugly.
    I honestly feel bad for the sheep that are already in line at the slaughterhouse and dont have one fucking clue what is coming…Then again, FUCK THEM.


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