San Francisco schools to supply middle schoolers with condoms – IOTW Report

San Francisco schools to supply middle schoolers with condoms

trojan condoms kids

NYP: SAN FRANCISCO — The San Francisco Unified School District school board has unanimously approved a controversial decision to distribute condoms to middle school students.

KNTV reports Wednesday that school officials say the policy change comes after survey results show some young students are sexually active. The plan is part of San Francisco Unified School District’s effort to further prevent sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy.  more

24 Comments on San Francisco schools to supply middle schoolers with condoms

  1. Hell, we ought to make about a thousand of those boxes and sneak them into pharmacies and onto shelves. Then you’ll see a story and some outrage even from the denizens of San Francisco.

  2. OK…
    They must be pretty small if they’re for little kids, so lets repackage them marked North Korean Condoms Magnum sized
    ‘Modeled from Our Dear Leader’
    Then send the imbecile who came up with this idea with them to North Korea and tell him he can come home when he sells them all

  3. “school officials say the policy change comes after survey results”

    Wait a minute.

    They’re saying they believe kids filled out their surveys honestly?


    I remember when we took a similar survey in Jr high way back when.

    If you took the answers seriously, you would have a hard time explaining how in the hell they showed up every day with all the heroin, cocaine, downers, speed, pot, etc. in their systems.

    It was ridiculous to ask kids to answer anonymously. We treated it as such.

  4. So some students, based on a survey, appear to be sexually active. But instead of addressing just the at-risk segment with information on the many, many negative consequences of sexual activity at an early age, let’s just give condoms to everybody, and then everybody can experience the many negative consequences (minus pregnancy and maybe an STD or two). What a brilliant effing idea. Who ARE these morons????

  5. The city’s official fish is the Brown Trout.
    They just want kids to have the same opportunities to take their poles upstream in search of them as the adults do without undue hazard.
    Who can argue with such compassion?

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