San Francisco shop sells $16 cup of coffee – IOTW Report

San Francisco shop sells $16 cup of coffee

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) — Expensive coffee in San Francisco is nothing new, but a $16 cup from one of the Bay Area’s most well-known roasters has some coffee lovers wondering if it’s worth the price.

Blue Bottle is serving up the Yemen Port of Mokha coffee.

The story of how coffee exporter Mokhtar Alkanshali got the beans to the Bay Area from Yemen is unique.

“The only way out of the country was I actually had to take a small fishing boat and cross the Red Sea from that Port of Mokha to Africa,” Alkanshali told KCBS.



16 Comments on San Francisco shop sells $16 cup of coffee

  1. (Petrus, you beat me to it.) While visiting a friend’s coffee roasting business he gave me a cup of coffee from beans that cost $200 per pound. I’ll admit it was the best coffee I had ever tasted but I’m not going to spend $200 a pound for coffee beans!

  2. $16 coffee, what about the price of so called good wine?

    if you ask me it’s all for show anyway.
    who really likes coffee made from burnt coffee beans anyway.

    but heck go ahead and spend you money on expensive coffee to impress whomever.
    just don’t tell me I can’t spend my money on large capacity magazines for my “assault rifle” just because you don’t know why I would ever need so many shots.

    f’n idiots. go abort a baby.

    their “live and let live” attitude goes out the window when discussing “my” habits don’t they?

  3. I’m glad I don’t care for wine, because I know how expensive it can be. In fact, about 20 years ago I had a $50 glass of red and a $70 glass of port in one sitting (on my boss’s dime – and I drank because I didn’t want to spoil the moment). I like coffee, but not $16 worth. But I understand why some will pay.

  4. Just shows why liberals love income redistribution. Most people that work to earn money wouldn’t want to part with it for a subpar product you can buy for over $10+ less across the street. Must be some status symbol to carry a cup around screaming ‘I just spent 16 bucks to buy a coffee that tastes like stale piss’.

  5. That’s probably a cheap cup of coffee in San Francisco. Cost of coffee bean-$1.50/lb
    Cost of labor-$15 per hour, cost of state, and local taxes, on a sliding scale (weighted by liberL thumbs), plus costs of business- See, cheap coffee in the commie state.

  6. I prefer oatmeal stouts and brown ales, but sometimes I just want an AAL. Most mornings I grind store bought beans and enjoy them but just today bought a big jar each of Taster’s Choice Instant and Nescafe Instant at a closeout store. $4 each, good price. Sure, there’s a lot tastier coffee out there but they’re fine when you just want a cup of coffee.

  7. Sorry, Geoff the Aardvark, but microwaved leftover from yesterday coffee sounds disgusting. 😉

    I’m not a coffee snob and wouldn’t pay $16 for a cup, but I do enjoy a good, rich, well-roasted cup of coffee.

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