San Francisco Shop That Inspired ‘Toy Story’ Closes, Owner Cites Crime – IOTW Report

San Francisco Shop That Inspired ‘Toy Story’ Closes, Owner Cites Crime

Matthew Luhn, the store’s co-owner, told the publication in December that the store has experienced people attempting to shoplift and even had someone try to stab one of his employees.

10 Comments on San Francisco Shop That Inspired ‘Toy Story’ Closes, Owner Cites Crime

  1. I lived in SF 55 years ago when it was still a beautiful city. It’s still a beautiful city looking at it from Marin or Oakland. Matters not which turn off you take, it all will lead to filth. Princess Cruises put in a beautiful cruise center in which you have to step over the homeless to get to the center. It isn’t just San Francisco, you will see this all throughout America….the decay. There’s no Shang-ra-La, which many who left here are finding out.

  2. @honest john 10:01 a.m.

    “All men are equal under the law,” or sometimes put as, “before the law.” They are NOT equal. They are definitely not of equal value to society at large.

  3. “You’ve got Fentanyl from me
    You’ve got Fentanyl from me
    When the road is shit on ahead
    And you’ve go miles and miles of homeless ahead
    You just remember what your Mayor Breed said
    Boi, you’ve got Fentanyl from me
    Yeah, you’ve got Fentanyl from me”

  4. The revolution continues apace. We the people are unfortunate in that we are insistent that ‘it couldn’t happen here’. It is. And it will continue until we put a stop to it or finally submit to the utopia of next Tuesday.

  5. ^^^One sick puppy^^^, Look motherfucker, you might not like Tom Hanks political views. Hell I don’t know what they are & could care less. You fuckin wackjob gayboy, go sit in your cum stained corner & do what you do best, beat ur monkey in your mommie’s basement.

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