San Francisco’s Mass Exodus – IOTW Report

San Francisco’s Mass Exodus


Truth Revolt: Sanctuary Status, Leftist Politics Driving Citizens Away. Is anyone surprised by this?

According to a KPIX 5 report, a record number of Bay Area residents are packing up and leaving San Francisco, many claiming the city’s progressive policies have driven them away.

“Of course people come and go from the Bay Area all the time, but for the first time in a long time, more people are leaving the Bay Area than are coming in,” the report states. “And the number one place in the country for out-migration is now, right here.”

Another factor is the high cost of housing that’s driving people out, even those working in high-income Silicon Valley. Employers are finding it hard to recruit because no one can buy a home. U-Haul businesses says they can’t keep stock of moving trucks because everyone is leaving and not coming back.  more here

22 Comments on San Francisco’s Mass Exodus

  1. If they leave that Leftist Libtard enclave, they need to leave the Leftist Libtard politics and thinking behind as well. If not, then just keep on movin’ on to the other Left Coast (New Yawk, New Joisey), they’re already infected. Try to keep the infestation contained.

  2. Sounds like the last scene in Atlas Shrugged — the lights will be going out all over California, as the last remaining capitalists flee to where they are allowed to prosper.

  3. I saw a story yesterday that Seattle is the number 1 place for relocation in comparison to all other high tech’centric cities. I don’t know if that means the SanFrans are moving up here or not but I feel the same way about here as the guy in the story. I get more ready to leave every time I have to drive or interact with anyone.

  4. Righteous people can all leave. There are so many evil immoral leftists, with their billions of dollars, remaining that the few good people who leave will never be noticed. What will be noticed, in other states, is the number of leftist transplants who bring their festering political infections with them. Other states would be wise to prohibit Kapiphornia democrats from ever voting.

  5. MJA the homeless which is a gigantic plague they’re shitting all over the streets. A sanctuary City. And now their city government is going to set up legalized shooting galleries in San Francisco so people can go there and safely inject their heroin. I fucking hate going to that City for meetings and can’t wait to get out whenever I do.

  6. I hate Jerry Brown, and the increases in taxes and fees (because you need a 2/3 vote to increase taxes but only 50% to increase fees) over the past 7 years. But compared to this years Dem candidates he is a moderate. There will be a new governor a year from now, and whomever it is will be jacking up everything. I have stayed in CA as long as I can, I was born and raised here and love the place, but I could be gone 2 years from now if not earlier.

  7. I lived in the bay area in the 80’s. It was great but i started to see a decline. I wouldnt go back to live for anything. Crime is high, beggers are aggressive and streets smell like a sewer. I guess a liberal utopia

  8. Not stated in the article – the people who are moving are those who can. The people with skills, education and a desire to work who can probably make it in the bay area, but can do better elsewhere.

    The left caters to the dependent because these are the folks who provide the votes needed to retain power. But it’s a death spiral; as the takers move in and the payers move out, the system begins to collapse which leads to move takers moving in and more payers moving out.

    California is following the Illinois experience. Yes, you can reach a point where it’s not worth trying to stay, but the politicians don’t care because they continue to benefit and prosper at the expense of those who stay for whatever reason.

  9. True that, Taco Tuesday! My wife and I were in San Francisco a couple of months ago and noticed a few times the genteel aroma of a septic tank with the access port cover removed. Stuh, stuh, stinky!

  10. Heading out of San Francisco

    Because it’s become such a Freak Show

    I got My Hushpuppies on

    but their covered in sh*t from some bums asshole

    Kalifornia has worn Me quite thin

    and I can’t wait to smell fresh again

    Cause Moonbats…It won’t be alright

    cause Moonbats aren’t thinking quite right

    I spent four lonely days

    being assaulted by gays

    and I can’t wait to smell fresh again.

    (with no apologies to Jimmuh)

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