San Francisco’s Radical Mayor Won’t March in the City’s Pride Parade – IOTW Report

San Francisco’s Radical Mayor Won’t March in the City’s Pride Parade

PJM: San Francisco’s radical Mayor London Breed is refusing to march in her city’s Pride parade. It’s not because she’s anti-LGBTQ. In San Francisco, you don’t get elected mayor without the support of that constituency.

Breed is refusing to march in that parade in solidarity with her city’s police department. The cops have been told if they want to march in the Pride parade, they can’t wear their uniforms. Obviously, this doesn’t sit well with police who put their lives on the line to protect all citizens. The firefighters have also refused to march.

The ban on marching in uniforms was initiated in 2020. Cops objected but decided it was more important to show support for the LGBT community. But enough is enough, and the cops refused to march unless they could participate wearing their uniforms. more

17 Comments on San Francisco’s Radical Mayor Won’t March in the City’s Pride Parade

  1. …given the extreme lawlessness that Democrats fostered so well, I don’t know why any decent LEO or FF would want to even BE in SF, let alone wear its name on their shoulder…

  2. The police and firefighters should drop some anonymous hints that the LGBTQWTF community has condemned ANTIFA. Then sit back with some brews and popcorn and watch the anarchists and perverts tear each other apart. Good times.

  3. “The cops have been told if they want to march in the Pride parade, they can’t wear their uniforms. ”

    This is SF and I’ve seen horrid images of public perversion at prior parades, so I have to ask:
    does ‘no uniforms’ mean they expect the SFPD to parade naked? With leather thongs and studded chokers on?

  4. I have come to dread the month of June. A whole month dedicated to celebrating faggotry and degeneracy. You can’t even go to the supermarket without being inundated with products emblazoned with rainbow freaking colors in recognition of ‘pride’ month. No. Just, no.

  5. When I was in high school my football team had three straight come from behind wins in the playoofs to get a spot in the AZ Title game for the first ti.e in school history (where we promptly got our asses kicked, sigh)

    Know how many pride weeks and pride marches we demanded for ourselves .. none. The thing we had achieved gave us all the pride we needed. We didnt even have any kind of special assembly to commemrate us. So what? We knew what we had done

    So when you demand endless celebrations of your “pride” it really means youre lacking in pride. And the more you do this, the worse your self esteem gets


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