Sanctuary cities have regrets as flood of illegals continues – IOTW Report

Sanctuary cities have regrets as flood of illegals continues

(The Center Square) – Leaders of major metros around the U.S. have pushed for more progressive immigration policies in recent years by declaring themselves safe havens for illegal immigrants. Now, however, as the realities of the financial and social impacts of those policies sink in, some local leaders are thinking twice.

Millions of illegal immigrants have flowed across the southern border since President Joe Biden took office, with many seeking haven in self-proclaimed “sanctuary cities.”

“The policies of the Biden administration have certainly upped the ante on this sort of virtue signaling in recent years,” Ira Mehlman from the Federation for American Immigration Reform told The Center Square, referring to sanctuary cities. “Some 2.3 million new illegal aliens have entered the country since Biden took office, and a lot of them have wound up in these sanctuary jurisdictions, either on their own, transported by the federal government, or transported by other jurisdictions that simply cannot handle the influx.”

The Center for Immigration Studies recently published a map of sanctuary states, cities and counties. Yellow squares represent counties, red represents cities and green represents states. MORE

15 Comments on Sanctuary cities have regrets as flood of illegals continues

  1. This is absolutely great! This changes the entire voting dynamic of this country; the illegals have absolutely no notion of American ideals and Joe Biden, by executive order, will declare them all United States citizens before he leaves office: what do we do then!

  2. Yup.
    Former commie Mayor of Portland, ME, Ethan Strimling, invited the illegals to come to Maine. The city govt continued to invite them.
    Ptld has been sending the problem they created to surrounding communities and even trying to get the Africans to go north. Susan Collins is trying to get them to go north too.
    The towns up north are having none of it.
    The Africans don’t want to go because they’d be away from their pals and services.
    In my town the hotels have been full of illegals.
    Down to one now.
    Crime is up 2000%
    They are bold and disgusting.
    They claim they have a right to our stuff and to make us support them.
    They try to force you over out the aisles in the stores and rarely travel alone.
    I’ve watched them shoplift in the local Walmart.
    They go through the register with a few things, no bag, and toss the purchased items in the cart. Then they start walking through the store again and dropping more in and leave.
    Guv Janet Mills has been giving them drivers licenses and money for cars.
    I’ll tell you what, the roads are dangerous around here now.
    I could go on but YES, being a sanctuary state (the map says only Cumberland County) has cause regrets but the Dirty Dems won’t admit it.
    After all our state is too white.

  3. SNS: The officer had a choice, either get the crap beat out of him (or her) or watch major cities burn to the ground and face years in prison for being a racist police officer victimizing an innocent person of color.


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