Sanctuary City Mayors Are About to get Some VERY BAD NEWS About Their “FUNDING” – IOTW Report

Sanctuary City Mayors Are About to get Some VERY BAD NEWS About Their “FUNDING”

TruthFeed: Charles Krauthammer believes President-elect Donald Trump can and should refuse federal funding for sanctuary cities if they continue to harbor illegal immigrants. “I think Trump would be within his rights to withhold funds, and he should,” Krauthammer said on Fox News’ “Special Report” Wednesday.

“And the Democrats are making a big bet — and a mistaken one — if they decide that they’re going to defy the federal government and what seems to be common sense: control your borders,” Krauthammer added.  more here

15 Comments on Sanctuary City Mayors Are About to get Some VERY BAD NEWS About Their “FUNDING”

  1. This would be the real test of Trump’s resolve, if he tries it. The Left will suddenly flood every corner of the media with pictures of purportedly starving, homeless, terrified women and children who are being rousted from sanctuary cities (whether they actually are or not) like Jews being shoved onto boxcars. Bush would likely have folded had he merely suggested it. One wonders what Trump would do…maybe we’ll find out.

  2. I’m all for shutting off the spigot of federal funding altogether in the 1st quarter of 2017.
    Then have ’em all re-apply for it through a program that will evaluate the requests based on their merit and past performance.
    Gee Wally, that might take some of them years to get re-instated.
    Yup Beave, we’re gonna work up a “Koskinen” on some of them!

  3. I hope Trump realizes that the left is going to go absolutely crazy and will try to assassinate him and start a civil war. I hope he is prepared to use every resource at his disposal to maintain LAW & ORDER.

  4. Don’t mess with my social security- I worked for over 55 years of my life to pay in to that system and it is what keeps me a float today. I have proof as an American citizen, I am not a wet back that takes things for free. I fought in Nam and earned what I get today. And Sam, those things you mentioned- there are many true Americans in need of those things to help them get back on their feet. True, there are those that are lazy and liars, but blame that on the system not on those that truly need the help. Peace. woorah….

  5. The agenda is America First. Last. Always.

    We are closing in on 22TT in debt. And you can tack on another 100TT in current and ongoing commitments. No one talks about that last one.

    Everyone will soon be very aware of what may well happen if we don’t have the will to cut every unnecessary expense and stop subsidizing the bank accounts of illegals. This era of spreading the wealth to the so-called downtrodden, whether here or abroad, is over.

  6. Screw those sanctuary cities, why should more taxpayer money be given to save their butts when they knowingly came into our country illegally. Too bad for the kids i don’t feel sorry for them either. What about our kids and our butts and our jobs and our language . NOT CARING

  7. I am particularly annoyed by the phony baloney bond issues showing up on the ballots.

    And don’t fuck with my social security. That’s MY money, stolen and squandered by fiat.

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