Sanctuary State Bill is “Grandiose Political Narcissism” – IOTW Report

Sanctuary State Bill is “Grandiose Political Narcissism”

In this short clip from Fox Business News channel’s “Varney & Company”, airing February 1, California Political Review publisher Jim Lacy terms State Senate president Kevin de León’s proposal, SB 54, to turn California into a “sanctuary state” as an act of “grandiose political narcissism” and states not just Trump, but even the Obama Administration had threatened to cut-off grants to California based on past refusals to assist in enforcement of Federal immigration laws.  WATCH

17 Comments on Sanctuary State Bill is “Grandiose Political Narcissism”

  1. Lacy said in 2016 Obama thru Loretta Lynch “threatened” to withhold millions from CA…. Idle “threats” are just those, idle.
    P45 is a different animal, where there are legal workarounds that won’t draw $$ from law enforcement, he will ensue, however, given it’s CA and their legislative loons, he may decide to let them sink until next term. There are too many pressing issues to be tied up with this nonsense.
    Once illegals from the other 49 flee to CA for safe haven, maybe they’ll see the error of their ways – or not. Either way, I hope he can prevent our tax $$ from bailing them out.

  2. One of the problems often encountered with deportations is that the original country often won’t take their citizens back and it’s often difficult to force them to accept them. In those cases Trump should simplify the matter by sending the illegals to California with the proviso that if they step one foot outside of CA they’ll be arrested. While at the same time cutting off California from federal funds.
    If they want to be a sanctuary state make them pay the maximum price for it.
    Also Trump should make sure that he drops them off in places like
    Beverly Hill, Malibu, Bel Air and the very best neighborhoods of San Francisco and Sacramento. Make sure that the people who shout the loudest for this policy pay the highest price for it.

  3. SineWaveII why do you want to punish the millions of good conservative californians for the actions of some bastards who got elected by a corrupt political system?
    Instead why not arrest and punish those directly responsible for breaking the damn law!

  4. Soon Trump will send in the national guard to remove these tards in the CA legislature.

    It’s just a matter of time.

    In the mean time, it’s going to be very difficult to not take a shot at some of these anarchistic fascist assholes who continue to protest fascism by committing fascism.

  5. Re: TSUNAMI February 2, 2017 at 2:04 pm

    In the mean time, it’s going to be very difficult to not take a shot at some of these anarchistic fascist assholes who continue to protest fascism by committing fascism.

    The anarchists are communists, wildly optimistic communists, but still communists.

    Going forward, things will be very, very confusing for people that think the anarchists are fascists.

    Spanish Civil War documentary:

    If you ever watch these, look at which groups are allied with each other, and who the leaders of the various groups are.

  6. Fascism: Forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism. (See Berkeley forcibly silencing the opposing views of Milo Y.) through anarchistic behavior bolstered through the inaction of an emasculated police force.

    They profess race above the individual, standing for a centralized government, economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

    Basically, I just described almost every college institution across the entire country.

    The teachers in academia further the cause of socialism through cultural Marxism – and we, as an ignorant gaggle of sheeple, pay for the abuse willingly and exorbitantly.

    We batter get a handle on this shit before the wrong people (conservatives) start getting killed.

  7. Re: TSUNAMI

    I will only suggest that you look at ‘The Doctrine of Fascism’ by Mussolini , and ‘The Communist Manifesto’ by Marx and Engels. Compare the two philosophies – they are fundamentally different.

    We better get a handle on this shit before the wrong people (conservatives) start getting killed.

    We can agree on this completely.

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