Sanctuary State Gov Refuses Illegals – IOTW Report

Sanctuary State Gov Refuses Illegals

Gov. Phil Murphy Says State Can’t Take More Illegals Despite Pledge to Make New Jersey a ‘Sanctuary State’

Breitbart: New Jersey’s Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy said on Aug. 31 his state has no more room for illegal immigrants and lacks the resources to take border crossers from neighboring New York, despite his campaign promises to create a welcoming “sanctuary state.”

The Democrat gov. issued his proclamation after the Biden administration revealed that New Jersey’s Atlantic City International Airport is on a list of eleven facilities targeted for shipments of illegals to help alleviate the glut of 100,000 border crossers who have flooded into nearby New York City over the last year.

Murphy not only nixed the Atlantic City airport plan but he added that the whole state is off limits to Biden’s illegals. Murphy spoke on the issue during a New 12 “Ask Gov. Murphy” segment on Aug. 31. more

14 Comments on Sanctuary State Gov Refuses Illegals

  1. Just tax the krap out of your citizens and start taking private lands when the taxpayers go broke, and can’t pay their property taxes. just keep milking the taxpayers. Biden’s plan to destroy America can’t work unless all democrats follow his orders.

  2. Janet Millstone is planning on bringing 75,000 more illegals from Africa into Maine. A state with a population of 1.3 million. Largest city. Portland, is only 65,000.
    Maine’s #1 industry is now poverty. Soros owns about 100 politicians and al.ost every paper.
    Welcome to CA East

  3. So, Beachmom, are you saying it’s no longer “down Maine,” but rather, “down-and-out Maine?”

    BTW you may have a hurricane headed your way next week (at which point you could be down and out, flooded and blown away Maine!

  4. This is more like a prison romance than a date on the outside. Murphy can refuse illegals as loud and long as he wants but well, there they are. How you gonna stop ’em governor? You don’t have the balls. See, you fucking morons with your virtue signaling have called hell down on all of us. If it was only on you I’d be fine with it. The illegals aren’t leaving, getting rounded up or any other kind of mitigated. They’re here and that’s that dumbshits. Furthermore, the illegals are here for the handouts and if you won’t give them handouts or good enough handouts they’ll certainly steal what they want. Remember, they KNOW you don’t have any balls. What are you going to do? You won’t prosecute, deport or imprison them because of your useless hypocritical bullshit virtue signaling and you will prosecute people who defend themselves from the illegals so just exactly why are we allowing you to remain in office or in charge?

    Charging, trying and convicting the whole of government on RICO violations would be perfectly appropriate but of course government owns the courts so there’s no point in that civil remedy. Voting… oops, never mind, 2020 and all that, voting ain’t it. What to do, what to do…


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