Sanders Asks How Many Yachts Billionaires Need…Twitter responds – IOTW Report

Sanders Asks How Many Yachts Billionaires Need…Twitter responds

WFB: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) asked Twitter on Friday how many yachts and cars billionaires need to be satisfied, writing that they “can’t have it all.”

The former presidential candidate is a self-declared socialist who frequently criticizes millionaires and billionaires. He even abhors the idea that Americans can choose 23 types of deodorant when there are hungry children in the country.

Sanders’ leftist beliefs go back to when he was young. In 1971, Sanders was asked to leave a hippie commune because he talked about politics and the glories of socialism all day instead of working.   More here

37 Comments on Sanders Asks How Many Yachts Billionaires Need…Twitter responds

  1. Don’t forget that the old Mad Hatter is scamming the taxpayers out of $175,000 + benefits every year simply for showing up for Senate roll calls now and then!

  2. Bernie is the biggest political embarrassment since Jeb Bush. Nothing that he says has any weight or value.

    @huron. Your mother is in my prayers, I hope and pray to God that she recovers.

  3. Bernie’s wife, by exaggerating donor commitments in order to secure financing, bankrupted Burlington College when she was president. When she was forced to resign she collected a sizable severance package in the process.

    Isn’t that the way socialism works, the elite are protected and rewarded?

  4. If you can afford it you CAN have it all you stupid commie.
    My company caters to rich people buying and building stuff you stupid imbecile.
    How brain dead can anyone be and still walk around??

  5. You’ve got more prayers coming, huron.

    Always weird when a rich person hates the rich. What balderdash. My most lefty friend lives off his capitalist pig father’s money. First described his Dad as making millions as a drug dealer profiting from people’s addictions.

    I’m like: WTF? Heroin? Cocaine? What?

    He owned half of Willow Distributors – so if you drank Coors here you put money in his pocket.

    What a fuckhead to introduce hid Dad like that to me. My immediate reaction was that he was embarrassed by his own unearned inheritance and developed this as a defense to poor people around him. I’m still convinced of that 34 years later. He certainly hasn’t refused cashing the checks to gain some integrity.

    May everyone do well on their own.

  6. I wrote somewhere earlier today:

    “He even abhors the idea that Americans can choose 23 types of deodorant…”
    He doesn’t seem to have any problems with 31 variants of gender.

    He’s a fake. 3 Houses. And his wife set the stage for the bankruptcy of Burlington College, though she got her goodies before that happened. He got screwed by clinton’s cheating, then he sucked up to her. I don’t listen to him.

  7. “He even abhors the idea that Americans can choose 23 types of deodorant…”

    Looking at the picture, even the use of ONE deodorant might keep the yucky underarm sweat stain off his shirt. Can you imagine the sweat he’d work up if he had a real job!!

  8. What about the middle-class folks who BUILD those yachts, or who maintain the docks where the yachts are berthed? What about the folks who paint and man and staff those yachts?

  9. What about the middle-class folks who BUILD those yachts, or who maintain the docks where the yachts are berthed? What about the folks who paint and man and staff those yachts?

    THIS !!

    This is exactly what they don’t get!

    The last guy I brought this up to said: Oh, that’s trickle down. That doesn’t work. I took economics, did you?

    You were brainwashed. I’m observant of what is plain to see.

    They think rich people just stash their money away without it working for them and they never “share”.

    Retards all. Stop with your jealous envy. You’re a taker not a maker.

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