Sanders: I Don’t Regret Castro Comments, China Has Reduced Extreme Poverty – IOTW Report

Sanders: I Don’t Regret Castro Comments, China Has Reduced Extreme Poverty

Breitbart: During a town hall on the Fox News Channel on Monday, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said that he doesn’t regret his comments about Fidel Castro and stated that China has reduced extreme poverty, but saying that doesn’t mean he approves of China’s government.

Moderator Bret Baier asked, “Do you regret at all saying what you said, at that time, in this race?”

Sanders responded, “No. Look, I have spent my entire life fighting for working people and fighting for democracy. And, Bret, if you check my record, I have condemned authoritarianism, whether it is in the Soviet Union, whether it’s in Cuba, whether it is in Saudi Arabia. … Whether it’s the United Arab Emirates, wherever it may be. I happen to be old-fashioned, and I believe in democracy. So, if you look at a country like China, for example, today, is China a democracy? Of course it’s not a democracy. It is an authoritarian country. And Xi is taking it in a bad direction. But what can we say about China in the last 50 years? Would anybody in their right mind deny that extreme poverty in China has been reduced? Can anyone deny that? Of course not. Does that mean we approve of the Chinese government? No, it doesn’t.”

He continued, “But I think, sometimes — and I know it’s hard given — not you — given the media that we deal with and everything else, you say something, and people can beat up on you. I think you’ve got to tell the truth. So, if, in China, they have reduced extreme poverty, does that make me a communist who supports China? No. I’m just telling you a simple fact.” watch

SNIP: Bernie’s wearing a lot of makeup.

19 Comments on Sanders: I Don’t Regret Castro Comments, China Has Reduced Extreme Poverty

  1. Someone should ask Sanders why so many people are risking their very lives trying to get from there to hear instead of here to there.

    But I doubt that’ll happen.

  2. China reduced poverty because they allowed global, corruptocrat, capitalist corporations who were trying to escape high labor costs and regulations in the U.S. and Europe to set up shop in their country. And they now own the technology of those corporations.

  3. If Cuba and China had representative governments with a capitalist, as opposed to a communist economic system, Cuba would have even more increased literacy and China would have eliminated extreme poverty quicker.

    Although shooting and/or starving your poorer citizens does seem effective in raising the literacy rates of those who survive and eliminating extreme poverty.

  4. China reduced extreme poverty spreading a man made virus that kills the elderly so they could regain control of their protesting population. Their medical care was force quarantining the sick that survived in a building that mysteriously collapsed. Totally the direction America wants to go.

  5. China:

    They are literally welding peoples doors shut to “contain” COVID-19 you stupid motherfucker and their Economic Miracle has created MASSIVE pollution & environmental damage all at the expense of huge government debt.

    Foxconn installed nets to help stop employees from jumping from roofs you lazy son-of-a-bitch government hack!

    My son is currently in Cuba (charity) and just sent me pictures of Russian Lada’s that the locals drive. Google those POS cars & see how “lifted from poverty” the Cuban are.

  6. The Chinks murdered 100 Million people!
    Yep – they wasn’t in poverty no more!
    Starved em to death – worked em to death – shot them to death.

    Kinda left that out, BS.

    izlamo delenda est …

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