Sanders off the DC primary ballot after Dems bungle paperwork – IOTW Report

Sanders off the DC primary ballot after Dems bungle paperwork


FOX: Sen. Bernie Sanders’ name will not appear on the Washington, D.C., primary ballot at this point, after Democrats failed to turn over Sanders’ paperwork in time.

The Democratic Party failed to submit Sanders’ primary registration paperwork on time to the D.C. Board of Elections. While the party received paperwork and fees from both Sanders and Hillary Clinton’s campaign, it only turned over Clinton’s forms on time.  MORE

14 Comments on Sanders off the DC primary ballot after Dems bungle paperwork

  1. The Dems are a bunch of incompetent nincompoops who couldn’t manage their way out of a paper bag. For years after their 1968 convention in Chicago, they had a huge unpaid phone bill for the phones that were installed specifically for the convention. That’s irresponsible. And then there’s Bernie’s $65,000 credit card debt……none of these clowns has a clue about successful, responsible management techniques.

  2. it has become quite the struggle to get cankles over the finish line isn’t it?

    she is just not well liked is she? it seems the only ones who like her are the establishment.

    doesn’t the “super delegates” give lie to the idea of the public choosing the nominee in the primaries?

    doesn’t the sentiment of the republican establishment that they would rather have hillary than trump give lie to the idea of the two party system?

  3. Wonder how Debbie Wasseshitzstools bungled that while Hitlery was watching over her shoulder with a carrot and a gun? yeah Hitlery gotta bribe, kill, cheat, lie, steal, and every other variation of being DHIMMOCRAT to win….time for Bernie to pull off the gloves and go for Cankles down and dirty….he is desperate enough to do that.

  4. I’m sure it was an honest oversight.

    I mean the democrats are the party of the little guy on food stamps, free healthcare, housing and utilities, BLM, young Marxists, anarchists, Union Thugs and controlled media.

    You know the party of inclusion who embraces socialism/marxism without apology.

  5. I think our candidates should ignore Bernie and concentrate their fire on Hilary (instead of each other). If the dems steal the nomination from Bernie (as it looks like they intend to do), many of his young, impulsive supporters will either stay home or vote Trump in protest.

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