Sanders Releases His Wall Street Speeches – IOTW Report

Sanders Releases His Wall Street Speeches

TWS: During CNN’s Democratic presidential town hall, Bernie Sanders announced he would release the content of his paid speeches to Wall Street.

old man  get off my lawn

Sanders said, “what Secretary Clinton said, ‘I will do it if other people will do it.’ I am very happy to release all of my pages to Wall Street. Here it is, Chris! There ain’t none.”

Snip: And then he hit Chris Cuomo with his cane.
OK, he didn’t. But you can watch the video here.

7 Comments on Sanders Releases His Wall Street Speeches

  1. In a fit of Communist Rage he started swinging his ice axe at the army of ghost-like Trotskys swirling around inside his fetid brain. Whilst doing so, he lost his dentures, having used the last of his Poli-Grip just that morning to glue the soul [sic] back onto his body.

  2. Oh shut up, you stupid old man…..The Bern is nothing more than the Ron Paul on the left this time around, nothing more….supporters are hippies, stupid college kids, lazy people, idiots deluxe, and the like.

    Just go away so we can beat Clinton in the election.

  3. “It lumbered slobberingly into sight and gropingly squeezed Its gelatinous green immensity through the black doorway…. The stars were right again, and what an age-old cult of Marxists had failed to do by design, a band of innocent voters had done by accident. After vigintillions of years great Cthillary was loose again, and ravening for delight.”

  4. Ok, Bernie. Fair enough. I woulld release my Wall Street speeches right this minute, but they’re on my server, and I don’t want to compromise any investigation. So sorry. But I will have Cheryl and Huma look for my rough drafts.

  5. Hey, Bernie!
    How bout a nice Demonrat picnic?

    My guys will pick you up, and I’ll meet you at Ft. Marcy Park …

    Ft. Marcy Park is melting in the rain …
    I don’t think that I can take it,
    cuz it took so long to make it.
    And I’ll never have that recipe, again!

    (sung like Ethel Merman)

  6. Slippery Hillary, brought the republicans into the Sander’s challenge. She’s like trying to catch a greased pig, Bernie! She has years of corruption, cover up, and obsfucation, behind her.

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