Sanders supporters crash Hillary book signing – IOTW Report

Sanders supporters crash Hillary book signing

American Mirror: Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton received a surprise welcome at a California book signing Friday, when a band of merry Bernie Sanders supporters belted out their Clinton-hating rendition of several holiday classics.

Pasadena Star-News photographer Walt Mancini posted a video of the stunt on Twitter Friday afternoon.

“Bernie Sanders supporters blaming Hillary Clinton for getting Trump elected at Hillary Clinton booking signing, ‘What Happened,’ at Vroman’s Bookstore in #Pasadena,” Mancini wrote.


Bernie Sanders supporters blaming Hillary Clinton for getting Trump elected at Hillary Clinton booking signing, “What Happened”, at Vroman’s Bookstore in #Pasadena

About a dozen protesters, several wearing festive Christmas hats, toted signs that read “YOU are What Happened” and attempted to sing in unison as they stood along the sidewalk in t-shirt weather and waived at passing motorists.

“There was a girl named Donna (Brazile), she wrote a juicy book. She spilled the beans on Clinton, who really was a crook,” the group sang to the Jewish classic “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel.” “The money for state parties, went to the victory fund. She ran the DNC, even before the primaries were won.

“Oh, Donna, Donna, Donna, you really sold out big. You told us what we all knew, the primaries were rigged.”  read more

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