Sanity Prevails in Texas – IOTW Report

Sanity Prevails in Texas

Moonbattery: As the tides of lunacy rise, the last place left high and dry might be Texas:

In the tiny North Texas town of Cresson at BBQ on the Brazos — a locally famous restaurant known for its smoked brisket — a simple sign hangs on the women’s restroom door:

“No men allowed in the women’s bathroom please.”

It is not a political response to Obama’s depraved decree that schools allow boys to use girls’ restrooms and locker room facilities or lose federal money. Cresson had already gotten a glimpse of the society our moonbat rulers would like to impose.  MORE

9 Comments on Sanity Prevails in Texas

  1. Just FYI:

    When you pass a law that defies common sense, we Texans do not automatically feel obligated to observe it.

    Take this as an observation or a warning, whichever you feel most comfortable with.


  2. @Bad_Brad: Are you really gonna smear us Texans because of a frickin’ TYPO? Get serious.

    P.S. – Just for the record, I actually don’t care what consenting adults do in private, as long as they don’t pass any laws saying I have to get involved in any way. So if you and a “special friend”…

    Naw, I can’t say it, even in jest.

    Have a good evening (or morning, depending on where you are).


  3. @Brad: I think the last time I heard that old chestnut was from R. Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket(1987):

    “Holy dog shit! Texas? Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy, and you don’t look much like a steer to me, so that kinda narrows it down.”

    I can only imagine what he might have said about California.


    PS – FMJ was one-half of a good movie. If Kubrick had put it in the can after the Boot Camp scenes it would have been great. It was the second half fantasyland that ruined it for me.

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