Sara Carter: Michael Cohen’s Testimony Is Filled With Speculation, Reads Like A Jilted Lover – IOTW Report

Sara Carter: Michael Cohen’s Testimony Is Filled With Speculation, Reads Like A Jilted Lover

Sara Carter: 

Michael Cohen’s testimony isn’t exactly the bombshell Democrats professed it to be.

It is filled with speculation. The testimony he is providing the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Wednesday reads like a jilted lover whose been damaged by a past relationship and one in which the other party, that being President Donald Trump, never fully respected or considered as important.

For Cohen, who was hired by Trump in 2007, this appears to be too much to take. His working relationship with Trump dragged him into the bowels of Washington D.C.’s most brutal investigations into a  President and his campaign that Americans have ever witnessed.

Senior officials within the Obama Administration launched an investigation that targeted Trump and everyone around him nearly three years ago. And for the past two years with the appointment of a Special Counsel it has consumed U.S. politics and national media.

Cohen became one of Mueller’s targets. Why? Because he is a flawed man. He had a past history of lying and took shortcuts in his business dealings that may have never been discovered if he didn’t work for Trump.

Cohen is an extremely flawed witness.

The Special Counsel’s office knew this and took advantage of this situation.

This is what Robert Mueller wanted. It was a strategy. Mueller and his team, like all government prosecutors, want to shake the vines all around Trump. They want to make Trump’s life and those around him as uncomfortable as possible. That means anyone who worked on the Trump campaign was a target and Mueller picked the best targets.

The Special Counsel did this hoping to find the smoking gun to prove that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia during the 2016 election. Virginia Federal Judge T.S. Ellis III’s said it perfectly last May with regard to the trial on former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, who was indicted on tax evasion and fraud:

“You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” said Ellis to prosecutors. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”

Ellis added, that they wanted Manafort “to sing.” He also said Mueller’s team wanted to “turn the screws and get the information you really want.”

A Prosecution in Search of A Crime

It is a prosecution in search of a crime. It is a Special Counsel that is desperate to validate its own existence. There is no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia or conspired in the 2016 election but Mueller’s team is desperate and have dragged in those close to Trump hoping to find the smoking gun and isolating the president.

Cohen is an extremely flawed witness. He is desperately trying to find the smoking gun that he knows does not exist. In fact, Republican lawmakers discovered that Cohen’s attorney Lanny Davis, a long time friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton,  ‘pushed’ him to testify before the committee.

He believes his “speculation” about his former boss will be enough to save him.

Under Mueller’s investigation Cohen has become a broken man. The Special Counsel’s office shook Cohen’s weak vines with a vengeance. What dropped from those branches did not reveal a conspiracy with Russia during the campaign but Cohen’s own personal criminal misconduct.

Cohen’s Past Haunts Him

Cohen couldn’t hide his past and Mueller went through everything.

What did Mueller discover? He discovered Cohen had lied to financial institutions to receive large loans and is convicted of five counts of tax evasion.

So Cohen has been desperately fishing. He is one of Mueller’s fishermen. However, he has only caught small fish of speculation. He is not a victim but a cunning businessman who broke the law and has been caught. He has found himself in the mess of a lifetime and desperation has sunk in.

He blames Trump, like a child blaming other children around them for their own transgressions.

Can we believe a man who has been known to lie to save himself from his own criminal misconduct with the hope of reducing his sentence?

In his testimony Cohen admits he has no smoking gun but “suspicions.”

“Questions have been raised about whether I know of direct evidence that Mr. Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia,” Cohen says in his written testimony. “I do not. I want to be clear. But, I have my suspicions.”

Suspicions? That’s not enough.

Cohen is jilted. Why? Because it appears — based on his 20 page testimony — that he blames Trump for everything Mueller has done to him.



Conservative Treehouse has the link to testimony – Be sure to read the comments.


14 Comments on Sara Carter: Michael Cohen’s Testimony Is Filled With Speculation, Reads Like A Jilted Lover

  1. “pocketnuke61 says:

    Rep. Hice (R-GA): So, Mr. Cohen, please clarify; was it Chairman Cummings or Rep. Schiff that wrote your opening statement?

    Thank you, Mr. Hice, for doing Georgia proud!”

    The dems are asking Cohen about rumors the Trump beat Melania in an elevator. LOL. WTF?

    Pathetic testimony. They have nothing but gossip and innuendo and Cohen even said so. He’s a dem who hates Trump policy one minute, and the next he’s pissed off because Trump didn’t hire him for his cabinet. LOL! The dems have heard nothing and have nothing different than what cohen told mueller and the others. Waste of time and the Republicans are handling it as such.

  2. And someone explain to me why the next two testimonies regarding “Russia!!!111” is going to be made in private!?
    Because they don’t have ANYTHING on Trump but they do have something on the DNC, 0bama, hillary, some of the dems like Schiff, mccain, etc.
    The collusion was between the dems and the fbi.


  3. Patrick Hussion
    ‏ @PatrickHussion

    WeThePeople2016 says:

    **NEW from Trump Campaign: Cohen is a felon, a disbarred lawyer & a convicted perjurer, who lied to both Congress & the Special Counsel in a ‘deliberate and premeditated’ fashion according to the Special Counsel’s Office. Why did they even bother to swear him in this time? @OANN
    12:17 PM – 27 Feb 2019

  4. REP. JODY HICE (R-GA): Tom Steyer, regarding him or any of his representatives, anyone associated with him, is he or anyone of them paying Lanny Davis to represent you?

    MICHAEL COHEN: Not that I’m aware of.

    HICE: Who is paying Lanny Davis?

    COHEN: At the present moment, no one.

    HICE: So he’s doing all this work for nothing?

    COHEN: Yes, sir. And I hope so.

    HICE: I kind of doubt it. How did Lanny Davis come to represent you? Did he approach you or did you approach him?

    COHEN: I reached out to Lanny Davis at the recommendation of my former counsel over at McDermott Will and Emery.

  5. ” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee on if she’s watching the Cohen hearing:
    It’s on, but I’m doing other things. I think he has a credibility problem. “

  6. Cohen brought up that he fears for his family’s safety, implying that they will be harmed due to his testimony. There has never been ANY incidence like that in Trump’s past, but there are MANY suspicious deaths in the Clinton’s careers.

    The Million $$ (unasked) Question for Cohen: has the life of you or any of your family been threatened if you did NOT testify against Mr Trump here today?

    I HOPE PRESIDENT TRUMP HITS THEM BACK HARD, as is his habit. PUT HILLARY and many others BEHIND BARS where they all belong!

  7. I watched a little of it and been reading a little play-by-play in the comments at CTH. Part of me thinks he’s trolling them, maybe he’s in on it with Trump to expose the Dems in some 43 level chess game, only to be pardoned when it’s all over because, seriously, he’s looking very, very stupid and even invalidating claims against Trump. He can’t be this stupid?

    Who knows anymore. We’re dealing with wicked, wicked people, who will do anything for power.

    The direct questions about who he consulted with prior to the hearing were very good…he acted like he didn’t understand the questions, then admitted to meeting with Lewis and Schiff.

    The Dems are purely desperate at this point. There is no “Russian Collusion” and they know it. (Amazing that Trump and Russia “colluded” to give Hillary the Popular Vote, huh?) This is last-ditch “Kavanaugh Treatment” to fashion a narrative for the next wave of outrage. Because there’s nothing else, just Lefty outrage. That’s it

  8. Cohen just annoyed Julian Assange. I don’t think that’s a good thing to do. lol

    From: jeans2nd says:
    February 27, 2019 at 5:29 pm



    STATEMENT on Michael Cohen testimony to Congress:

    WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange has never had a telephone call with Roger Stone. WikiLeaks publicly teased its pending publications on Hillary Clinton and published > 30k of her emails on 16 March 2016.

    1:09 PM – Feb 27, 2019
    Twitter Ads info and privacy


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