Sarah Jeong is the Left’s latest exploding cigar – IOTW Report

Sarah Jeong is the Left’s latest exploding cigar



Patriot Retort: Wow. That was fast.

Usually Operation Backfire takes a week or two to blow up in the faces of the Left.

In my column about Sarah Jeong on Friday, I said I didn’t really care if the New York Times fires her or not.

And like everything else the Left does, the decision to retain an open bigot will backfire. It will blow up in their faces like a trick cigar.

So why on earth would we demand that they fire her?

You know the old saying. Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.

And doubling down and defending the Asian David Duke is a profound mistake.

That was two days ago.

And the backfire over Sarah Jeong is already happening.

For days now, they’ve been sanctimoniously screeching that minorities can’t be racist.

It’s impossible, see.

Racism is bigotry + power.

And since minorities have no power, they can’t be racist because blah blah blah intersectional blah social construct blah.

Leave aside the fact that this logic is so ridiculous that anyone who twists themselves into that kind of a pretzel has a promising career in Cirque du Soleil.

That’s not my point.

My point is defending this bigot is already backfiring on them.

Last night, black comedian Terrence K. Williams appeared on Watters World and made fun of Sarah Jeong.

[See the video clip at Mediaite]

He said, “I don’t know if this lady is Chinese or Japanese or crazy-nese.”

And, in mocking the New York Times’ lame “she was only imitating the racists who attacked her” excuse, Williams responded by saying, “There is something wrong with them fortune cookies that Ling Ling’s eating.”  more here

15 Comments on Sarah Jeong is the Left’s latest exploding cigar

  1. The look on Tuckers face was priceless , like Williams said something wrong or out of line, I didn’t understand
    what “Ling ling” meant (Hahahah) couln’t even guess. Figured it was an inside joke.

  2. There is Soooo much low hanging fruit for the troll farm on this story…

    Imagine A Trump Tweet inviting this “journalist” to visit south Africa and witness some REAL white racism in real time? He could offer her Air force one and all the perks to get to the “Bottom” of this story! Heh. Or just drop her off there?


  3. To those who can only relate to the world through a Marxist / Socialist perspective, defining racism with a power inequality component makes perfect sense. They aren’t racist, they’re socialist.

  4. AnnieGirl

    Ling Ling is/was a Giant Panda …Made even more famous by Homer Simpson

    saying “That Kentucky Fried Panda Food was !” “Finger Ling-Ling Good!”


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