Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump

“Media heads are spinning”

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118 Comments on Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump

  1. LOL – all of a sudden Sarah Palin is no good? If Sarah Palin endorsed Ted Cruz, Cruz supporters would be singing a different tune.
    And I would be just as happy.
    I feel sorry for the “it’s my candidate (Trump or Cruz) or I’m going home to pout for the next 4 to 8 years” crowd.
    I’m more than happy if either guy reaches the White House. Leaning Trump because he’s the non-politician who will stick it up the GOPe’s asses further.

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    Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  2. His Energy Secretary to eliminate the agency, open up the Canada pipeline, and drill, baby drill.
    Unfortunately, since it is Iowa, Trump and others have to bow down to the corn alcohol folks.
    She was the only thing exciting about the 2008 race. McCain only wanted to reach across he aisle.

  3. That’s not picking on me.

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    Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  4. I never thought one way or another too much about her, I wasn’t really following too close but I liked her from what I knew about her. I hope it helps Trump.

    I will vote for Trump or Cruz.

  5. Agreed

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  6. You can’t out-Trump Trump.

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  7. Hyoooge positive. Hyooge move by Trump to stem the Cruz momentum in Iowa. Sarah Palin is a worshiped Conservative in Iowa. Ted Cruz has taken a beaten today between Sarah Palin and the Governor of Iowa.
    If you can’t see that, you’re not being honest with yourself.

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this web site by Mr. Pinko are soley Mr. Pinko’s.
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    Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  8. Has our memory has been muddied that we’ve forgotten about her aligning herself with the vilified Tea Party in spite of being paired to a veteran who could care less about the good of the American public much less how he has neglected the many veteran causes throughout his stay in the Senate.

    She did more to place the liberal (Rino) part of the Republican in the spotlight than anyone since Ronald Reagan.

    Yeah…I think I understand why her opinion still matters, but that’s just me.

  9. Saturday Night Live “writers” are doing handstands and cartwheels…hubby is from Alaska and he can’t for the life of him figure out where she got that accent!

    Well, we’ll see if it helps or hinders. Seems too soon. I dunno. I’d be happy if she ran the EPA in Trumps admin.

    So, what if Trump picks Scott Brown (former MA Senator) for his VP instead of Cruz? Saw a story about that possibility on Breitbart.

  10. Here’s my take on this:

    Trump loses all his cross over support, drops 5-6 points.

    Cruz was dissed while facing birther issues, drops 3-4 points.

    Rubio gains all the points lost by Trump and Cruz, wins Iowa.

    GOPe have yuge party, get drunk and forget about their supposed base…again.

  11. That’s not true and you know it. Had Palin endorsed Cruz, it would have been well expected and a big snooze fest. Its news because he didn’t endorse Ted Cruz.

  12. “a lot of Trump supporters hated Sarah Palin”

    ??? Are we just making crap up?

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this web site by Mr. Pinko are soley Mr. Pinko’s.
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  13. (Suddenly everyone is a Palin hater? When did that happen?)

    How many people who previously liked a candidate decide that the candidate is dead to them because someone they dislike endorsed them?


    How many who were undecided choose a candidate because of the endorsement they receive from someone they like?


    How many who were undecided choose to not vote for a candidate because they receive an endorsement from someone they dislike?

    This is not game changing stuff. It’s soap opera sideshow bullshit.

    In the primary, a Palin endorsement is probably an advantage for Trump.

    In the general, the Palin endorsement will largely be forgotten.

    I’ve already forgotten it.
    I’m waiting on the Michelle Bachmann endorsement.
    That’ll be a game changer.

  14. Sure he can, Menderman, I know cuz I’m a very loud New York voter and because all the people I talk to at the grocery store and other places around my little town where I talk to people say they’ll vote Trump even though they hate politics – and they may never even know about the endorsement cuz they don’t follow much political news.

  15. I heard the same Trump talk in a very busy Deli while buying Lottery tickets.
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    Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  16. funny … a few years back you couldn’t say anything critical on this site about Palin without getting your lunch handed to you …. particularly by people now saying ‘meh, who cares, she’s no big deal’.

  17. You want salt or pepper on that spaldeen?

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  18. It’s a hyooge deal. Anyone saying different is in Egypt (De-nial).
    Trump will always keep his campaign fresh and exciting. John Wayne’s daughter came out to stump for Trump. You can expect the unexpected from Trump.

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    Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  19. By the time you get to November Palin’s endorsement will be long forgotten. In fact, by the time you get to next month, it will be forgotten because Trump will be pulling out another surprise.
    Trump has a shot winning New York. No other Republican candidate does. So it’s no big loss if he doesn’t win NY.

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    Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  20. If “The Great One” starts to support Trump what will his name turn into? LOL

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  21. If that’s the case – Trump will landslide.. We get a wall, deport illegals, jobs come back to the USA and the economy turns around.

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this web site by Mr. Pinko are soley Mr. Pinko’s.
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    Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  22. Between Palin’s endorsement and Terry Branstad’s remarks this could spell real trouble for Cruz. If Trump wins Iowa he could so the nomination up quickly. Then what will the GOP do? Also if that happens does that make it more likely for Hillary to face charges? She a weak candidate.

  23. I lost any respect for Sarah Palin when she played games during McConnell’s last election in Kentucky when it came to her possible endorsement of Matt Bevin. But the cherry on top was when she endorsed and still endorses John McCain.

    Are you telling me that John McCain is conservative or just convenient for her needs? Palin seems to like to play footsie with the Establishment, so I haven’t trusted her for a while. It doesn’t surprise me one bit that she has jumped in now and on what candidate’s side.

  24. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!!! Hold up there just one cotton-picken’ second… Buckaroo… you can’t fire Mr. Pinko!! Slaves have to be sold.. and by slave, I mean.. He’s a slave to his keyboard keeping us up to date.. nice work Mr. Pinko.. by the by..

  25. And I hear the same Trump talk from anybody in the manufacturing world, all my neighbors (one of which is a lib) and 98% of the people at the gym. Oh yea, and from every gun store owner.

  26. yeah SP isn’t liked by everyone but I think generally the same people that don’t like Trump are the same as those who don’t like SP.

    Palin is huge in the Tea Party circles and places like the Midwest. Like IOWA. This is very very bad for Cruz.

    I listened to the speech and thought it was fine. I don’t like her accent either but she’s a firecracker. To me that speech sounded like a ticket speech not just an endorsement speech.

  27. And Rubio is about to pull a Linda Ronstadt (blue bayou) on both Trump and Cruz after this episode of “Who Wants To Be A President!” Wanna bet?

    I’ll give you a spiked watermelon in the basket of a moped if I loose!

    (the “loose” part was for Biggie)

  28. Same with me. All the NYers I know, those who are not pure liberals that is, are talking Trump. I don’t think I have heard one even person mention Cruz now that I think on it.

    And Palin, while I have nothing against her, that VOICE … arrrgh. Is it just me or has it gotten worse? She should just remember that there is a microphone, and … they should hire a special sound-man just for her. Her message is great though.

  29. I agree. Beck needs to just go away. However, she completely convinced me to back Cruz now. Palin has proven that she is not a conservative and nothing more than a popular train hopper.

  30. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this web site by Mr. Pinko are soley Mr. Pinko’s.
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    Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  31. Sarah Palin realizes:

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  32. And I never even got around to posting Cruz’s slobbering, tongue bathing of the Syrian refugees in 2014.
    How quickly everyone forgets.

    I don’t post this to bash Cruz, I post it for everyone who doesn’t believe a person can evolve from statements made 14 years ago. I am willing to give the benefit of doubt to Cruz who was saying this just 2 years ago-

  33. So you are saying you’re against building a wall, deporting illegals, getting our jobs back from overseas, fixing our economy and YOU’RE FOR Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Oooookayyy

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  34. EXCELLENT! She got Cruz his Senate seat.

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    Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  35. @ Menderman, Exactly. Heard the great one tonight. She’s as consistent a conservative as Trump, Romney, McCain, Jeb, Kasich, McConnell, Boehner, Ryan, and… (crap, where do I stop?). And here I used to like her!

  36. I just watched the eighteen minutes and seven seconds of, well,I’m not sure just what the hell it was. I will say, it horrified me. Is this really the best we have to offer as conservatives? Please, somebody, tell me how Sarah and her scripted rambling promotes liberty? She gladly boasted about her new billionaire friend, but how does that help us? She knows how it helps her…..

    Nevermind, if y’all see this as a plus to our society, our liberty, our kids future, I give up. I surrender. Y’all win. I’m voting for Bernie. I want free shit without the shrill voice.

    It was nice to see joe6pak got a shout out (16:25 I think) and someone else did right at the end, but it was cut from the vid. I do wonder why it was cut…anybody got the missing footage?

    Free ethanol subsidies for all!

    Free College for all!

    Let’s make America great again!

  37. Oh really. Come on Mr P. Trump is nothing more than a mere bully pulpit.

    Let’s really get into the fight as Trumparnold has not. Invites and contributions to anti-constitutional enemies, poor (at best) civil liberties stances (a modest estimation), no attributable knowledge of the constitution, and where do I stop… As my late partner said about Clinton, “We got what we deserved.” Sounds as though many need to do some historical research on Trumparnold instead of shooting from the lip. Words are cheap in a campaign as are those of many a supporter. His past has shown his anti-conservative pattern, yet he has miraculously arisen as Lazarus.

    I maintain that I will write-in if need Trump is on the final ballot. Since Reagan, I have had to choose between the lesser of evils. No more. At least let our Constitution go down with a fight, I hope. I choose to fight (I won’t submit to a charlatan’s mere words because it’s easier for many that can’t look at the factual substance prior to the meaningless words).

  38. and I suppose this is the right (almost private) place to post this, but CAN WE PLEASE git rid of the “reply” option!

    Trying to read time stamps to figure out who posted what when is fracking annoying! And if you go away for a bit, recent comments option is worthless to!

    I want to ingest all the depravity here, but the chasing it down sucks H cameltow! I can’t even do it sober!

  39. All I can say is Trump wins again. I say that from reading the comments for and against. Comments ranging from positive to derogatory to Sarah. The simple fact is people are talking about Trump, NOT Cruz, or Rubbio, or any of the also rans. We have candidates we can all support – not such that anyone would not swallow some bile if their candidate did not win. I am truly fascinated by what is going on, and I honestly get up every day to see what is going to happen next and how tomorrow is going to top today. Again, regardless of whom you support I am happy to see the interest and engagement.

  40. RE: “sticking it up their asses further”

    I’m SO tempted to make a t-shirt to wear around the farmers’ markets (mostly inhabited by rabid Leftists here) that says something to the effect:

    “Ya know how you felt voting for Obama in 2008?
    Well, That’s how I feel voting for Trump…FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS”

  41. For all those complaining about ethanol subsidies, I say this:

    Presidential CANDIDATE Trump can say all he wants to convince Iowan voters to vote for him…once PRESIDENT Trump is in office, his Department of Energy Secretary Palin can recommend the removal of the subsidy, thereby taking the weight/heat for the decision.


  42. I agree with Mr. Pinko regarding Donald Trump.

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this web site by Jerry Manderin agreeing with Mr. Pinko regarding Donald Trump are soley Jerry Manderin’s.
    These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
    Jerry Manderin accepts the fact that he may be forever banned at a moment’s notice for agreeing with Mr. Pinko regarding Donald Trump.

  43. Trump finally spent some money campaigning. Was a Palin endorsement well spent? Time will tell.

    No candidate will perfectly align with every issue. How quickly everyone forgets what the real fight is here.

    Capitalism vs Socialism, most all of us will end up as pawns in this fight.

    Strong Fiscal Policy which includes a balanced budget.
    A lean and less intrusive Government.
    A strong Military.
    Political correctness replaced with common sense ideals.

    Look around at every potential candidate and recognize not one will support everything exactly how you would like personally.

    I’d like to write “Me” as a write in vote, but I think faster than I type and may end up with a spelling error, or is it a typo.

    Guess maybe I should just check a box for Rand Paul, and deal with the wrath of this comment.

    Aaarrrggghhh !!!

  44. Not a lot of luv for Palin here. Maybe you folks liked what has been going on for the last eight years. And NO I did not vote for Romney, because he was being shoved down my throat.

    But I did realize that “Conservative” was being hijacked by RINOs. I also suggested that Palin should have taken over the Republican Party, because they weren’t using it anymore.

    Get over her voice, she was born with it and it ain’t gonna change. It’s what’s in her heart and head that counts. We have a shot of turning this thing around with Trump. He’s done more by accident than the rest of the field has done on purpose.

    And Yes, he did build that.

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