Daily Caller: Two male, liberal columnists this week launched personal attacks against White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.

Los Angeles Times columnist David Horsey mocked Sanders’ appearance, saying she “looks more like a slightly chunky soccer mom who organizes snacks for the kids’ games.”

“Rather than the fake eyelashes and formal dresses she puts on for news briefings, Sanders seems as if she’d be more comfortable in sweats and running shoes,” Horsey wrote on Wednesday. “Yet, even if Trump privately wishes he had a supermodel for a press secretary, he is lucky to have Sanders.”

Another columnist, the New York Times’ Frank Bruni, similarly went out of his way on Friday to bash Sanders for her personal characteristics, in this case her way of speaking. read more
The left’s war on women continues.
Hey fags, she eats the media’s lunch every day. With gusto. Deal with it.
I think the Horsey guy asked me for spare change. He has that “Shaggy” pothead skaterboi appearance that is slightly amusing in high school/College but is pathetic when they never outgrow it.
What? Nothing left to bash about POTUS Trump, FLOTUS Melania and the rest of the family?
What miserable people these guys are.
I’ve notified the fat-shaming crowd.
Has she been Weinsteining them? I mean sure, if I’ve gotta’ put out to do my job, I’m gonna’ be even more disgusted if it’s disgusting. But, unless I’ve gotta’ touch the junk, why would I even care?
Horsey’s Ass.
obviously she is very effective & they’re all out of bullets & have resorted to throwing mud pies … it’s all they have left
Bruni’s a dicksucker so they have a tendency to be catty bitches. Wouldn’t be shocked if his standards ran similar to Kevin Spacey’s.
Anything fatter than a 14 year old boy on the swim team turns him off.
I’m sure Huckabee can take it but probably didn’t think it would come so openly from the New York and LA Times.
So Bruni had his jewels removed just for Spacey?
Isn’t that sweet!
I’d hit it…
Horsey isn’t wearing the pantsuit I saw him wearing getting on the bus back in the 70’s on Hennepin Ave. Same hair and bleep eating grin though!
These halfwits are hopeless, they had tried to beat her and everything and it failed miserably.
now they resort to the lowest form of logical argumentation which is called an ad hominem argument/
You can’t beat the message, do you attack the messenger. She ought to turn the tables and refuse questions from any reporter who is, in her opinion, overweight!
I simply adore adore bitchy faggots posing as urinalists, I meant journalists.
Keep talking. More talking. You just can’t talk enough.
I wouldn’t worry too much about Ms Sanders. She has more courage, resilience, and, well, balls than those two fart-knockers put together.
I thing Sarah is doing a yeoman’s job. She makes Jim Acosta look like the left wing fool he is. I think she’s a lovely lady who can think on her feet.
But here’s my question: How do the feminists who labor at the two
Slimes (NY/LA) feel about the sexist , anti woman bullshit espoused by these two apparent homosexuals, Horsey and Bruni?
Will the dykes at these “newspapers” rip their balls off?
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
WHOREsy looks like Robert Redford’s burn victim step brother.
Remember years ago some music critic insulted President Harry Truman’s
daughter for her piano playing. Harry threatened to “kick the shit out of him.” (Very un Presidential of Harry, hee, hee.)
I hope Mike Huckabee kicks the shit out of these two homos.
Both those fags know she could probable beat them both at arm wrestling.
Speaken for my self, the attractiveness of a woman is a combination of physical looks, confidence, intelligence, and how she carries herself. Sarah Sanders is drop dead gorgeous.
We Love you Sarah
PS, Big Titts help too.
I’d like to see her show up in sweats and put their shit in the street!
Sarah Sanders gets under the left’s skin because she is unfazed by their childish tactics. She’s doing an excellent job, btw. These two deviant misfits don’t have a faggotry leg to stand on. One is an old poof with a glued on toupee and the other has serious daddy issues. Hey, they started it.
“Sarah Sanders gets under the left’s skin because she is unfazed by their childish tactics”
Funny you should say that. I told my wife last week that if she told the entire Press Corp to go to their rooms they would. They treat her like a mother.
I’ve liked her from the get-go. Direct, focused (Lord knows these dems with bylines really are unable to maintain focus) and a no-drama, no-nonsense unflappable delivery. She’s been perfect.
The two quarter wits having a snit need to get back to the playground for more wedgies to distract them.
What a couple of twats, out of KY jelly girls?
The progtards can’t resist, and, since the never hold themselves to any consistent standards anyway, of course they attack her for being chunky.
BTW, if conservatives were 1/10th as bad as Horsey’s ass has smeared them to be over the past decades, he’d have been found dead in a ditch years ago. Horsey is a total cunt and always has been.
Surprised that Horsey’s ass hasn’t already been stomped for offering to push one’s stool in,( May I push your stool in sweetheart) as a pick up line, in an LA gay bar. Same goes for
Bruni in NY.
Just remember, if you comment on the physical attributes of any true pigs who the media claims are Miss America beauty queens, then you’re racist or something:
I’ve never heard anyone describe the attractiveness of a woman based solely on her “toned arms”. Or her horse muscular thighs. Or her bulging Adam’s apple. And being told that she’s Vogue cover material.
The cover of Jet magazine more than likely. They don’t make a Jumbo Jet magazine do they?
How do you quadruple the seating room at a gay bar? Flip the stools upside down.
Hey Brad, these two assplugs are absolute fools. Like the two rubbers standing outside a gay bar in New York. One rubber says to the other: Let’s go in and get shitfaced.
Belittling and bullying, just 2 of the odious trademarks of the left.
LOL. Stay home tomorrow pal. Everyone that counts is taking this Antifa thing pretty serious. Sac County Sheriffs were ordered to carry their duty weapons if they are off duty tomorrow. And Sac is not one of the cities identified on their little battle map.
She was attacked for her weight and southern accent. Well, guess that means I can’t be her successor. 😄
Sanders scares the panties off of the nursery school crowd she has to deal with.
She doesn’t put up with their bullshit, so they’re going to have their verbal temper tantrums.