Sarah Sanders: News Hillary Could Run Again Is Like Christmas Came Early – IOTW Report

Sarah Sanders: News Hillary Could Run Again Is Like Christmas Came Early

DC: White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders reacted to a former Hillary Clinton aide’s revelation that she could be a candidate during the presidential election of 2020, in a Friday morning tweet.

Former longtime Clinton aide Philippe Reines revealed her possible 2020 candidacy after an extended riff to Politico extolling her supposed virtues saying, “she is smarter than most, tougher than most, she could raise money easier than most, and it was an absolute fight to the death.” Pressed on whether his praises of Clinton mean she could run again Reines replied “It’s somewhere between highly unlikely and zero … but it’s not zero.”  more


13 Comments on Sarah Sanders: News Hillary Could Run Again Is Like Christmas Came Early

  1. Run? She has a hard time just standing up.

    We’ve been guessing about what sort of gear H-Rod is getting strapped into under her (ugly) clothes; back brace, neck brace, what have you. I wonder if what we’re seeing is her being fitted with a prototype power-assisted exoskeleton to make it possible for her to get up without falling down? Sort of like the gear Sigourney Weaver had on when she battled the monster in the original Alien.

  2. Let’s hope and assume that she will assume room temperature before then. It’s time for her to croak or have a house dropped on her or melt like the Wicked Witch did or just plain die in an accident or in her sleep, just go away or maybe George Soros or bill will do her in because she’s no longer useful to the fortunes of the democrap party. Just go away permanently and join the rest of the Harpies in Hell like Margaret Sanger, Eleanor Roosevelt, Lucretia Borgia etc.

  3. I’ve re-scheduled Xmas for November. Such anxiety brought on too soon! Red tide welcomed! The whole “she is smarter than most, tougher than most, she could raise money easier than most, and it was an absolute fight to the death.” As long as her only friend Soros still breathes. I’m gonna bet ‘Managed Care’ for her by 2020.

  4. @Uncle Al: You’re thinking of the second sequel, Aliens. In the original, she blew the alien out of the lifeboat into deep space.

    And yeah, I guess I’m being a bit of a nitpicker. Sorry. Disregard comment.


  5. Of course she will run again. That is why all the books, tours and interviews of what went wrong and how it has nothing to do with Hillary being an absolute horrible candidate.

    But she wont be able to cook the primary so it will be funny to see her get Obama’d again.

  6. @Vietvet – You’re quite right about the exoskeleton being in Aliens. And thank you (I mean it). Being an old and experienced picker of nits myself, I don’t mind at all being corrected on those extreeeeeeemely rare occasions when I goof up. (-:

  7. She’s beginning to grow an exoskeleton.
    She will soon Pupate.
    Once the shell is complete, she will be immune to attack, until 2019
    She will dissolve inside her shell and remake herself into a Harpy from Jason and the Argonauts.
    Once loosed, she will screech at us from every TV in the Land


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