Sasse calls on Schumer to retract ‘lunatic threats’ against Kavanaugh – IOTW Report

Sasse calls on Schumer to retract ‘lunatic threats’ against Kavanaugh

“You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You will not know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions” – Schumer.

WA EX: Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) called for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to take to the Senate floor to recant past comments about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh after a man was charged with attempting to assassinate the judge.

“We have a Senate right now that has a majority leader who stood on the steps of the Supreme Court two years ago shrieking like a lunatic threats at Justice Kavanaugh,” Sasse angrily told the Washington Examiner in an interview Wednesday.

Speaking on the eve of a prime-time hearing on the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, Sasse said political leaders across the aisle have an obligation to renounce political violence, regardless of whether it comes in the form of “a deranged mob chanting ‘Hang [former Vice President] Mike Pence’” or someone seeking to assassinate a justice who may vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. MORE

10 Comments on Sasse calls on Schumer to retract ‘lunatic threats’ against Kavanaugh

  1. As has been said on this blog previously, the radical traitorous leftists will not stop until they feel pain for their destructive, irresponsible actions.
    Real, physical pain.

    Why not start with lifelong jackass Schmuckles?

  2. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) called for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to take to the Senate floor to recant past comments

    If the little punk can’t hide behind Senatorial immunity, and demand the peasants wreak the same vengeance (not “justice — “vengeance”) on Schmuckles… well… peasants… do the maffs.

  3. What a complete asshole is Schumer the Schmuck !!
    The “I’m from Brooklyn” excuse is another non-apology, plus he just insulted all Brooklynites, both past and present.


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